What's New
28th May 2018Asbru Web Content Management v11 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Collaboration Add-On module with new functionality for website administrators to communicate and to manage their work on the website:
- Comments
New "Comments" functionality is available on all web content management system administration pages through a right-hand panel where website administrators can post comments as notes for themselves and as messages to other website administrators. Website administrators can for example post notes on work that has been done and needs to be done, and website administrators can discuss and coordinate work to be done in the context of the actual website content. Each web content management system administration page has its own such comments board for comments on individual content items and users, and specific groups/types of content and users etc. Optionally, comments for all or specific web content management system administration pages can also be displayed on each website administrator's personal workspace in the web content management system.
Configuration settings for the "Comments" functionality can be used to control if the comments panel should never or always automatically be opened and shown or if there are unseen or new comments. Optionally, comments can automatically be posted by the web content management system when content items are added, updated, published, unpublished and deleted. Optionally, comments can also automatically be deleted by the web content management system after a given period of time. Alternatively, "Comments" administration pages are available to view and manage all comments posted across the web content management system.
- Projects
New "Projects" functionality is available on each website administrator's personal workspace in the web content management system for website administrators to create project lists of tasks to be done. Each website administrator can create projects for their own personal use or shared with other website administrators. For each project a number of tasks to be done can be defined, and a number of project assets such as specific content items can be associated with each project and task. Common project management date such as category, status, priority/urgency, severity/impact, duration, start and end date can be assigned for each project and task. Projects are highly customisable with access to define the project task category, status, priority/urgency and severity/impact options for each project so that the projects functionality can be used for many different types of projects and tasks. Each website administrator's personal workspace in the web content management system gives the website administrator easy access to view and manage their own and shared projects, tasks and associated project assets content items.
Configuration settings for the "Projects" functionality can be used to define the commonly used project task category, status, priority/urgency and severity/impact options for your organisation (with access for website administrators to customise the options for their specific projects).
- General administration
- Added Comments functionality on all website administration pages for note taking and communication between website administrators within the web content management system (right-hand side Comments panel) (Collaboration Add-On).
- Added Project Management functionality with projects, project tasks and project assets to Personal Workspace for personal projects and collaboration with other website administrators (Personal Workspace) (Collaboration Add-On).
- Added administration index pages menu/filter selection "breadcrumbs".
Improved website administration search for database query special characters.
- Website Content administration
- Added content package and version for move multiple selected content items.
- Added copy multiple selected content items.
- Added @@@cookie:.....:secure=0|false|no|1|true|yes:.....@@@ special code parameters.
- Added @@@cookie:.....:httponly=0|false|no|1|true|yes:.....@@@ special code parameters.
- Added @@@condition:.....:XXX in XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ special code parameters.
- Added @@@condition:.....:XXX,YYY,ZZZ contains XXX:.....@@@ special code parameters.
- Added "/register.xxx" support for "usergroup" and "usertype" parameters for personalised subscription to user groups/types during user registration.
- Added "/subscribe.xxx" and "/unsubscribe.xxx" support for multiple "usergroup" and "usertype" parameters.
- Media Library administration
- Added Content Image Size custom view column option for display of image dimensions.
- Added support for HTML5 multiple file upload.
- Deprecated Adobe Flash multiple file upload (added special configuration setting to re-enable).
- Users Database
- Added "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" users log data (Users / ... / Revision History / Revisions).
- Added Personal Workspace Projects and Personal Workspace Comments website administrator preferences (Users / ... / Administrator Preferences / Index Pages Columns) (Collaboration Add-On).
- Configuration
- Added Collaboration license key (Configuration / System / License).
- Added HTML Attributes and HTML HEAD Attributes configuration settings for website (Configuration / System / Website / Website Settings).
- Added HTML Attributes and HTML HEAD Attributes configuration settings for micro-websites (Configuration / System / Micro-Websites).
- Added database backup and export of comments, projects and project tasks data (Configuration / System / Database / Backup & Export).
- Added Collaboration Add-On module configuration settings (Configuration / System / Collaboration).
- Added Administration Home Sections and Personal Workspace Sections support for "projects" and "comments" sections (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Index Pages /
- Administration Home Sections + Personal Workspace Sections).
- Added default Personal Workspace Projects and Personal Workspace Comments index pages column settings (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Index Pages / Index Pages Columns).
- Added Comments administration (Configuration / Comments) (Collaboration Add-On).
- Added Projects administration (Configuration / Projects) (Collaboration Add-On).
- Various
- Added Business Website example website Comments and Projects example data.
- Added SHA-512 digesting of superadmin website administrator password as default.
- Changed digesting of user passwords to use full SHA-512.
- Added "superadmin_password_encode" special configuration option to disable "digest" of superadmin website administrator password (/config.static.xxx).
- Added "superadmin_password_login" special configuration option to disable superadmin website administrator login using password digest (/config.static.xxx).
- Added "use_flash_multifileupload" special configuration setting to re-enable Adobe Flash multiple file upload (/config.static.xxx).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v11:
- Added Insert Hyperlink and Insert Media HTML5 multiple file upload.
- Various other improvements.
1st May 2018Asbru Web Content Management v10.1.6 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.1.6 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Fixed cookie date handling of non-English locale.
- Fixed support for reCAPTCHA v2.
- Fixed calendar extension.
- Added Response.ForceSecureCookies special configuration flag to force use of "secure" cookies.
- Added Response.ForceHttpOnlyCookies special configuration flag to force use of "httponly" cookies.
- Fixed menu selection handling between different administration sections.
- Fixed livegrid next/last paging.
- Fixed content selector uploader.
- Added checklinks fallback to HTTPS.
- Added support for SQL special characters in website administration search.
- Fixed display of Restore Published date/time.
- Fixed preservation of "expired" when updating without publishing.
- Fixed content administration index handling of special characters in username.
- Improved preview of scheduled content.
- Improved handling of trailing blank meta information options.
- Improved handling of scheduled publish/unpublish date/time when updating content without (re)publishing.
- Added Page.output_limit and Page.list_limit special configuration options to limit accidental uncontrolled memory usage.
- Fixed @@@title|author|keywords|description|created_by|updated_by|published_by@@@ handling of special characters.
- Fixed handling of @@@content@@@ ~ @@@ELEMENT.content@@@ loop.
- Improved template~element loop handling.
- Fixed multi-file upload handling of special characters in username.
- Added support for common special codes for custom data administration page.
- Added support for content database administration custom initialised stylesheet.
- Fixed saving of datatabases content from Content Builder.
- Fixed content database search handling of custom index columns.
- Fixed administration index page handling of content database attribute names containing "_".
- Fixed user segment content selection.
- Added RequireUser.redirectPOSTaction flag.
- Added RequireUser.redirectPOSTparams flag.
- Added "User.DIGESTLOGIN = false" special configuration option to disable login using the saved password digest (and old unencoded password).
- Improved handling of rename/delete parent user group/type.
- Fixed handling of additional user groups/types.
- Fixed handling of disabled user class.
- Fixed user password encryption.
- Fixed delete multiple users.
- Added "email_confirmation_ids" and "email_notitication_ids" special configuration settings to restrict content items used for email confirmations and notifications.
- Added email confirmation access permissions check.
- Improved redirection restrictions to handle "//foo.bar".
- Added explicit COMMIT before closing database connection.
- Fixed SQL SELECT ... WHERE ... IN (...) for >1000 values for Oracle.
- Improved check of old database version.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10.1.6:
- Added web content editor support for "webeditor_custom_init" function.
- Added web content editor "webeditor.fixExeccommandIndentSublist_DOM" special configuration flag.
- Fixed handling of empty container tags such as STRONG.
- Fixed inability to focus TH/TD containing just a P (MSIE 11).
- Fixed cursor positioning on ENTER in empty LI (MSIE 11).
- Fixed deletion of selected empty leading/trailing tags on insertion of HTML code (MSIE 11).
- Fixed missing render/refresh after applying FONT FACE/SIZE to plain text in P tag (MSIE 11).
- Improved creation of new list inside DIV/P in existing list (MSIE 11).
- Fixed Chrome/Safari handling of multi table cell selection (CHROME/SAFARI).
- Various other improvements.
23rd January 2018Asbru Web Content Management v10.1.5 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.1.5 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Fixed Add New -blank- content item.
- Fixed handling of access permissions for publish/move multiple content items.
- Fixed "updated" status after "move" content items without access permissions.
- Fixed unscheduling of updated content.
- Fixed handling of default stylesheet in combination with other stylesheets.
- Fixed web content editor handling of content group/type stylesheets for content items without administrator permissions.
- Fixed content item selector preview of style sheet with static filename.
- Improved preview of scheduled content.
- Fixed search for id (Oracle).
- Improved @@@webeditor:....@@@ handling of @ characters in parameters.
- Fixed handling of unescaped linebreaks in @@@webeditor:.....:value=".....":.....@@@.
- Fixed HTML5 encoded " / " characters in @@@webeditor:.....:value=".....":.....@@@.
- Fixed handling of nested, undefined, custom @@@user_XXXXX@@@ special codes.
- Fixed handling of nested @@@include:.....@@@ special codes.
- Fixed loop check of content including itself.
- Added support for databases custom administration page special codes inside "normal" special codes.
- Fixed databases custom administration page handling of "data" and "datum" select/radio/checkbox inputs.
- Added audit log for register/unregister.
- Added expiration of register/unregister userslog data.
- Fixed deletion of userslog data for deleted users.
- Fixed handling of expired password for self-registration.
- Fixed user administration page tabs initialisation.
- Fixed handling of parent/sub usergroups/usertypes.
- Removed inherited parent/sub-groups/types from view/delete users administration page.
- Added "use_index_users_inherited" special configuration setting to list users of inherited parent/sub-groups/types on users administration index.
- Fixed preservation of email content on copy/loading of other html/text content.
- Fixed custom orders/sales reports.
- Fixed website custom settings handling.
- Fixed handling of special characters in content bundle names.
- Fixed form attribute access issues (MSIE11).
- Added distinct login error message for restricted IP/domain.
- Fixed database import handling of "expired_password_page".
- Fixed 64k size limit for WebLogic (WebLogic).
- Added experimental program code for forcing Oracle handling of attribute sizes as (multi-byte) characters instead of as bytes (Oracle).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10.1.5:
- Improved striktehrough/bold/italic/underline toggling.
- Fixed handling of CTRL-C/CTRL-X copy/cut.
- Fixed handling of closed/unclosed P tags.
- Fixed formatting of unclosed P tags.
- Added webeditor.forceDivP special configuration to force output of <P> on Enter inside DIV (MSIE 11).
- Fixed selection handling across multiple table cells.
- Disabled "mark" for selection across multiple table cells.
- Fixed table split cells.
- Added 'webeditor.useTableCSS = true' experimental setting for use of CSS STYLE attributes instead of WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes etc. on TABLE tags etc.
- Fixed table cell alignment (MSIE 11).
- Improved list selection handling.
- Added workaround for inserting/deleting last empty LI in UL list.
- Improved list indentation (Mozilla).
- Added workarounds for handling lists inside DIV (MSIE 11).
- Added workarounds for editing lists (MSIE 11).
- Added support for multi-level DL lists (MSIE 11).
- Fixed handling of "SCRIPT3: Member not found" error (MSIE 11).
- Fixed clearing of STYLE attributes (MSIE 11).
- Various other improvements.
18th October 2017Asbru Web Content Management v10.1.4 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.1.4 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added support for Google ReCAPTCHA v2.
- Added support for HTTP bytes range partial content for Safari embedded audio.
- Improved redirection restrictions handling.
- Fixed handling of list "last" special code link.
- Fixed @@@paged:.....:limit=X@@@ handling of even limits.
- Fixed handling of "condition" around "list" special codes.
- Fixed handling of "list" special codes inside "condition" special codes expressions.
- Fixed handling of nested "display" special codes.
- Fixed handling of expired and unpublished default pages.
- Fixed default~template~content stylesheet order.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v10.1.4:
- Improved deletion of table row with merged cells.
- Improved bullet/numbered list handling.
- Fixed indentation of partial content.
- Fixed Insert Media indirect links.
- Fixed selector handling of UTF-8 characters.
- Fixed copy & paste handling of alternating internal and external content.
- Improved selection handling (Chrome).
- Fixed copy and paste (Chrome).
- Fixed form attribute access issues (MSIE11).
- Fixed crash / handling of unfinished loading of style sheet (MSIE11).
- Fixed preview of archived content.
- Fixed preview of unpublished content.
- Fixed workflow action and assign to synchronisation.
- Improved resizing of tabs after resizing of textareas etc.
- Improved resizing of overwide textareas after resizing.
- Fixed Insert Media log errors.
- Fixed workflow action and assign to synchronisation.
- Fixed resizing of overwide textareas after resizing.
- Fixed preview of unpublished content item from index administration.
- Fixed preview of unpublished/rescheduled @@@include:.....@@@ content.
- Fixed update of content elements (Oracle).
- Fixed product_info CLOB handling.
- Added confirmation prompt for delete content databases data.
- Added support for other special codes on custom content databases administration page.
- Added support for custom content databases administration page scripts and stylesheets and templates.
- Fixed "ERROR: no columns found in "data_grid_header"" on direct/first access to content databases data admininistration index.
- Fixed content databases data administration handling of underscore in data attribute names.
- Fixed content databases CLOB data handling and log errors/warnings (Oracle).
- Added confirmation prompt for delete user.
- Fixed clearing users administration search.
- Fixed "ERROR: no columns found in "data_grid_header"" on direct/first access to users database admininistration index.
- Improved handling/logging of closed records resultset.
- Fixed v8.0-9.0 database upgrade errors.
- Fixed contentgroup/type renaming errors.
- Fixed image types configuration close link.
- Fixed "resource" column type check (Oracle).
- Fixed content databases log errors/warnings (Oracle).
- Various other improvements.
19th July 2017Asbru Web Content Management v10.1.3 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.1.3 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Fixed parsing of special codes for contentitem.
- Fixed website content administration pages ordering of stylesheets.
- Fixed resize handling for multiple modal windows.
- Fixed database upgrade handling of upper-case filenames.
- Fixed Tomcat 8.5.15 charset encoding issue (JSP).
- Asbru Web Content Editor v10.1.3:
- Improved Bullet/Numbered List handling.
- Improved preview handling of image file upload for web browsers with "file://" restrictions.
- Improved image selection (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed handling of editor/toolbar in FRAMESET.
- Fixed Insert Anchor handling (MSIE 11).
- Various other improvements.
19th June 2017Asbru Web Content Management v10.1.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.1.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added workaround for Google Chrome v56+ XSS warning in posted HTML content.
- Removed automatically added BODY margins.
- Fixed handling of @@@include:.....@@@ special codes.
- Fixed potential Javascript injection.
- Added closing of all web editor menus on tab click.
- Improved empty output from content builder.
- Fixed content builder loading of template stylesheets.
- Fixed delete data item from content databases search.
- Improved handling of ENTER in Email content id SELECT.
- Fixed handling of empty email content.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v10.1.2.
- Added justify DOM handling.
- Added split-wrapping of "phrasing content" text-level tags.
- Changed/fixed "mark" handling.
- Improved handling of ENTER in web content editor dropdown inputs.
- Synchronised handling across web browsers.
- Fixed various web editor selection handling issues.
- Fixed web editor handling of toolbar in frame.
- Fixed formatblock on text node before or after other formatblock node so that new formatblock node not placed inside existing formatblock node (Chrome).
- Fixed copy/paste (MSIE 11).
- Fixed Clean HTML (MSIE 11).
- Added optional webeditor.bodyAppendBlank and webeditor.bodyAppendBR and webeditor.bodyAppendBRBR (MSIE 11).
- Fixed Show HTML mode (iOS 10).
- Improved handling of old database importing file.
- Improved handling of disabled login configuration settings.
- Improved redirection restrictions.
- Fixed saving of redirection settings.
- Fixed databases log messages for special code named databases.
- Added optional RequireUser debugging.
- Added additional login audit logging.
- Added additional user debugging logging for LDAP.
- Added support for Configuration / System / Website / Email & Forms / Mail Server: "ADDRESS" + "ADDRESS:PORT". + "USERNAME:PASSWORD:ADDRESS" + "USERNAME:PASSWORD:ADDRESS:PORT" formats.
- Added support for authenticated SMTP (JSP/NET).
- Added support for SMTP/TLS (port 587) (JSP/NET).
- Added support for SMTP/SSL (port 465) (JSP).
- Added "distributable" to enable Java session replication as default (if enabled in Java application server).
- Added use of request host name (if any) as server name for redirect etc.
- Changed default cache to Lateral TCP for out of the box support for cloud/cluster deployment (JSP).
- Improved support for multi-server and Docker deployment handling of local host name.
- Improved handling of cloud configured database connection.
- Improved handling of request port number for cloud deployment.
- Fixed removal of port number from configured server host name.
- Added Configuration / System / Hosting Clients / Database Server Address (default) configuration setting (Hosting Edition).
- Added support for multiple/different database servers for different hosting clients (individual hosting clients can use other database server addresses than the configured default) (Hosting Edition).
- Added Hosting Edition handling of database connection string parameters (Hosting Edition).
- Added Product Delivery handling of blank "hosting_api_database_rootpath" (for non-local database server) (Hosting Edition).
- Various other improvements.
10th April 2017Asbru Web Content Management v10.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added website login page support for Facebook/Google/OpenID login (/login_facebook.xxx /login_google.xxx /login_openid.xxx) (enabled with Configuration / Features / User Database / Facebook + Google + OpenID login).
- Added website login page support for @@@login:TEXT@@@ @@@login:facebook:TEXT@@@ @@@login:google:TEXT@@@ @@@login:openid:TEXT@@@ special codes.
- Added website support for automated user cancellation/deletion (/unregister.xxx) (enabled with Configuration / Features / User Activation / Enable + Disable User Unregistration Expiration/Deletion).
- Added bookmarkable Content/Media/Products/Orders/Segments/Users administration tabs.
- Added bookmarkable Configuration/System administration tabs.
- Improved handling of login session timeout on administration index pages.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10.1:
- Added Insert Snippet functionality (enabled with Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Asbru Web Editor / Snippets Content Elements Class).
- Added line numbering and syntax highlighting etc. for HTML code view.
- Added configured group/type content/users as additional Add New options (enabled with Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Add New / Add New Copies Of Pages + Elements + Templates + Style Sheets + Scripts).
- Added support for administration index pages Browse & Edit links/icons index columns to open pages in Browse & Edit mode.
- Added support for administration index pages Usage links/icons index columns to open the Usage Analytics administration pages for pages.
- Added support for pre-defined meta information (enabled with Configuration / Features / Meta Information / Pre-Defined Meta Information Options).
- Added pop-up left-right selector for "select multi" meta information options.
- Improved handling of administration page Email Editors/Publishers/Administrators actions.
- Added support for @@@list:.....:metainfo_XXXXX contains XXX:.....@@@ and @@@list:.....:productinfo_XXXXX contains XXX:.....@@@ and @@@list:database=XXXXX:.....:XXXXX contains XXX:.....@@@ special code parameter for matching multi-value metainfo/productinfo/database attribute having at least the given value.
- Added support for @@@list:.....:metainfo_XXXXX contains XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ and @@@list:.....:productinfo_XXXXX contains XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ and @@@list:database=XXXXX:.....:XXXXX contains XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ special code parameter for matching multi-value metainfo/productinfo/database attribute having at least all the given values.
- Added support for @@@list:.....:metainfo_XXXXX intersects XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ and @@@list:.....:productinfo_XXXXX intersects XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ and @@@list:database=XXXXX:.....:XXXXX intersects XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@special code parameter for matching multi-value metainfo/productinfo/database attribute having at least one of the given values.
- Added @@@content_id@@@ special code.
- Added support for ###NAME.raw### special codes for non-escaped HTML characters (only @@@ and ### escaped as <nobr>@@@</nobr> and <nobr>###</nobr>).
- Added support for ###NAME.special### special codes for non-escaped @@@ and ### characters and non-escaped HTML characters.
- Added support for "###NAME.htmlscript###" special codes for use in Javascript code in HTML attributes.
- Added @@@urlprotocol@@@ and @@@urldomain@@@ and @@@urlport@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@paged:.....:selected=CLASSNAME:previous=TEXT:next=TEXT@@@ special code parameters - defaults: "selected=WCMselected" - "previous= ... " - "next= ... "
- Added support for @@@include:database=DATABASE:ATTRIBUTE=VALUE:ATTRIBUTE.csv@@@ and @@@DATABASE.ATTRIBUTE.csv@@@ and @@@ATTRIBUTE.csv@@@ special code formats.
- Added @@@webeditor:.....:builder=yes|no|ID:.....@@@ special code parameter for use of web content editor Content Builder functionality.
- Added support for definition of Content Builder snippet categories as Content Summary for content builder snippet content items.
- Added user registration pages support for @@@salutation@@@ and @@@gender@@@ and @@@gender_text@@@ and @@@birthdate@@@ and @@@birthyear@@@ and @@@birthmonth@@@ and @@@birthday@@@ special codes.
- Added support for personal update of salutation(title) and gender and birthdate and birthyear and birthmonth and birthday.
- Added personal administration pages support for @@@error@@@ and @@@personal_salutation@@@ (title) and @@@personal_gender@@@ and @@@personal_birthdate@@@ and @@@personal_birthyear@@@ and @@@personal_birthmonth@@@ and @@@personal_birthday@@@.
- Added support for "salutation" "gender" "birthdate" "birthyear" "birthmonth" "birthday" personal admin/update HTML FORM inputs.
- Improved special codes loop detection.
- Added special codes loop detection warning.
- Added configured group/type content/users as additional Add New options (enabled with Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Add New / Add New Copies Of Images + Files + Links).
- Added support for administration index pages filesize index columns.
- Added configured group/type content/users as additional Add New options (enabled with Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Add New / Add New Copies Of Products).
- Added support for administration index pages Browse & Edit links/icons index columns to open products in Browse & Edit mode.
- Added support for administration index pages Usage links/icons index columns to open the Usage Analytics administration pages for products.
- Added support for administration index pages Sales links/icons index columns to open the Ecommerce Sales administration pages for products.
- Added support for pre-defined product details options (Configuration / Product Details).
- Added Ecommerce / Products / ..... / Usage Analytics / Shopcart Conversion.
- Added Ecommerce / Orders administration custom views.
- Added Ecommerce / Orders administration integrated administration page.
- Added Databases administration custom views.
- Added Databases administration integrated administration page.
- Added Databases administration tabs (enabled with Configuration / Databases / ... / Database Content / Add New: ..... -TAB-).
- Added Databases / ..... / custom administration pages for custom HTML FORM inputs and Javascript functionality etc. (enabled with Configuration / Databases / ... / Special Pages / Custom Administration Page).
- Added Databases / ..... / custom administration pages support for @@@DATANAME@@@ @@@DATANAME.selectmulti@@@ @@@DATANAME.select@@@ @@@DATANAME.radio@@@ @@@DATANAME.checkbox@@@ @@@DATANAME.csv@@@ @@@DATANAME.br@@@ @@@DATANAME.p@@@ @@@DATANAME.div@@@ @@@DATANAME.text@@@ @@@DATANAME.titles@@@ @@@DATANAME.links@@@ @@@DATANAME:format=FORMAT@@@ @@@DATANAME.html@@@ @@@DATANAME.script@@@ @@@DATANAME.text@@@ special codes.
- Added configured group/type content/users as additional Add New options (enabled with Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Add New / Add New Copies Of Users).
- Added Users administration custom views.
- Added Users administration integrated administration page.
- Improved handling of users administration passwords.
- Added Users / ... / User Login / Login History (enabled with Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Log website administrator + website user logins for login history).
- Added Users / ... / Revision History (enabled with Configuration / Features / Revision History / Users / Detailed website users + administrators revision history period).
- Added support for scheduled activation/expiration of user registration accounts for time-limited user accounts (as for ecommerce purchased customer accounts).
- Added Analytics / What / Website Content / Register + Unregister usage statistics.
- Added Analytics / What / Ecommerce / Shopcart Add + Checkout + Confirm + Complete + Conversion usage statistics.
- Added optional usage and users logging to files and external systems such as for example via Apache Kafka for Big Data website usage analysis. (/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties) (Java) (Enterprise Edition/Suite).
- Added Configuration / System / Superadmin / Login History (enabled with Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Log superadmin logins for login history).
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Log superadmin + website administrator + website user logins for login history.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Restrict superadmin + website administrator + website user login Internet addresses.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Force change of expired website administrator + website user passwords / Yes - No reuse: of passwords previously used within given period.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / website administrator + website user pre-defined and custom password requirements/restrictions.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / On website administrator + website user logout redirection to URL.
- Added Configuration / System / Ecommerce / Product Details / Pre-Defined Product Details Options (available through Ecommerce / Products / ... / Product Details).
- Added Configuration / System / Usage Statistics / Log + Do Not Log Shopcart Adds + Checkouts + Confirms + Completes.
- Added Configuration / System / Usage Statistics / Log + Do Not Log Registrations + Unregistrations.
- Added Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Asbru Web Editor / Snippets Content Elements Class).
- Added Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Add New / Add New Copies Of Pages + Elements + Templates + Style Sheets + Scripts + Images + Files + Links + Products + Users.
- Added Configuration / Features / Meta Information / Pre-Defined Meta Information Options (available through Content / ... / Meta Information).
- Added Configuration / Features / Revision History / Users / Detailed website users + administrators revision history period (to enable Users / ... / Revision History).
- Added Configuration / Features / User Activation / Enable + Disable User Unregistration Expiration/Deletion configuration settings and unregister functionality (Community Add-On/Suite only).
- Added Configuration / Features / User Database / Facebook + Google + OpenID login (Facebook + Google Login Community Add-On/Suite only) (OpenID Login (Enterprise Edition/Suite only).
- Added Configuration / Databases / ... / Database Content / Add New: ..... -TAB-.
- Added Configuration / Databases / ... / Special Pages / Custom Administration Page.
- Added user Internet address and host login audit log data.
- Added "use_index_all" special configuration settings to disable web content editor and administration index pages menu-items for listing all content/media/ecommerce/users.
- Added "use_admin_email_actions" special configuration setting to disable/remove administration page Email Editors/Publishers/Administrators actions.
- Added "require_webadmin_get_origin" and "require_webadmin_get_referer" special configuration settings.
- Added "require_webadmin_post_origin" and "require_webadmin_post_referer" special configuration settings.
- Added additional DB debugging options.
- Improved DB debugging.
- Added optional Java Cache settings for timeouts.
- Added optional Java Cache settings for Lateral TCP Cache.
- Added support for reusing core database connection in custom extensions using request.getAttribute("_DB_") / session.getAttribute("_DB_") (JSP only).
- Improved handling of HTTP sub-requests (NET).
- Various other improvements.
10th April 2017Asbru Web Content Management v10.0.8 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.0.8 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added support for @@@list:.....:entry=ATTRIBUTE.char:.....@@@ for text output without added linebreaks.
- Fixed handling of @@@include:.....@@@ of content item containing @@@list:database:.....@@@ etc.
- Fixed handling of template style sheets on content administration pages.
- Fixed file selector Javascript injection.
- Fixed get image/file by filename handling of _ characters.
- Fixed content databases administration index sorting by column.
- Fixed (non)encryption of birthdate and gender user data.
- Improved handling of ENTER in From/Subject input fields.
- Fixed content of blank emails.
- Added additional DB debugging options.
- Improved DB debugging.
- Fixed database export of users to be ordered by id (instead of username) - "shuffled" ids may cause database import to adjust already adjusted ids.
- Fixed Business Website example special codes errors.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10.1.
- Improved Insert Media form inputs.
- Fixed Insert Media rename functionality.
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink rename functionality.
- Fixed format over existing partial format.
- Fixed colour selector (MSIE11).
- Fixed selection handling (Firefox/Safari/Chrome).
- Fixed Content Builder handling of special codes.
- Various other improvements.
10th March 2017Asbru Web Content Management v10.0.7 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.0.7 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added support for @@@include:database=DATABASE:ATTRIBUTE=VALUE:ATTRIBUTE.csv@@@ and @@@DATABASE.ATTRIBUTE.csv@@@ and @@@ATTRIBUTE.csv@@@ special code formats.
- Fixed rssChannel extension problem.
- Improved handling of "no permissions".
- Fixed handling of Add New permissions - disabling Add New button if no options and no "blank" permissions.
- Fixed search and replace error for content with special codes in title.
- Fixed advanced search for workflow status containing "<" and ">" special characters.
- Fixed handling of workflow status without assign/checkout.
- Fixed workflow email notifications to additional user groups/types website administrators.
- Fixed handling of unconfigured database connection (JSP) (NET).
- Fixed duplicate request parameter value for Apache/Tomcat mod_rewrite (JSP).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10.0.7:
- Improved Insert Hyperlink, Insert Media and Select Content rename functionality.
- Removed "selected" attribute from datalist options.
- Fixed insert at start of text node inside container.
- Fixed Microsoft Word cleaning of "escaped" HTML comments.
- Various other improvements.
6th January 2017Asbru Web Content Management v10.0.6 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.0.6 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added "/login_openid.aspx|jsp|php" OpenID login.
- Fixed handling of XHTML output for meta information.
- Added support for @@@list:.....:metainfo_XXXXX intersects XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ special codes.
- Added support for @@@list:.....:productinfo_XXXXX intersects XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ special codes.
- Added support for @@@list:database=XXXXX:.....:XXXXX contains XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ special codes.
- Added support for @@@list:database=XXXXX:.....:XXXXX intersects XXX,YYY,ZZZ:.....@@@ special codes.
- Fixed removal of access to add new copy of content item without view permissions.
- Fixed update administration page for content item without editor permissions.
- Fixed filename exists error message for add new copy of image/file content item.
- Fixed add new blank element content item.
- Fixed hiding of hidden group/type content items.
- Fixed handling of multiple SQL query pre-defined meta information options.
- Fixed deletion of pre-defined meta information / product details options with description.
- Fixed content administration add new access restrictions.
- Fixed handling of view/access permissions for content meta data report.
- Fixed setting of default value for pre-defined meta/product information select(single) attributes.
- Added content databases administration id data search.
- Fixed content databases administration number data search.
- Added content databases administration add new -blank- for non-superadmin.
- Fixed usagelog for experience management.
- Fixed add new user with blank password.
- Fixed usage statistics summary data.
- Added Configuration / Features / User Database / OpenID Login.
- Fixed handling of " characters in meta information options description.
- Improved command execution (Windows).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10.0.6:
- Added support for Apple iPad and iPhone iOS 10.
- Improved workaround for formatblock.
- Fixed selection handling for AUDIO tags.
- Fixed spellchecking.
- Added spellcheck delay (JSP).
- Added removal of inserted SPAN FONT-SIZE tags on BACKSPACE (Chrome/Safari).
- Improved handling of justify (Chrome/Safari).
- Improved handling of formatblock (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed selection handling (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed reverse selection handling (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed submenu positioning (Firefox/MSIE).
- Various other improvements.
14th November 2016Asbru Web Content Management v10.0.5 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.0.5 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Fixed Browse & Edit Preview handling of UTF-8 characters.
Added "X-XSS-Protection" header to enable admin page preview of content containing Javascript (Chrome).
- Fixed handling of content groups/types access restrictions for templates/stylesheets/scripts.
- Fixed handling of scheduled/queued unpublished content.
- Fixed handling of pre-defined meta information / product information attributes.
- Fixed scheduled publishing of content item with static filename.
- Improved handling of email editors/publishers/administrators links.
- Fixed user database administration add new access restrictions.
- Fixed usagelog for experience management add-on module.
- Fixed user login database connection handling (PHP).
- Fixed database query error (PHP).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10.0.5:
- Fixed selection handling (Chrome).
- Added language settings for ribbon toolbar tab and group names.
24th October 2016Asbru Web Content Management v10.0.4 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.0.4 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added "default_meta_charset" and "default_http_equiv_content_type" special configuration settings.
- Added "require_webadmin_get_origin" and "require_webadmin_get_referer" special configuration settings.
- Added "require_webadmin_post_origin" and "require_webadmin_post_referer" special configuration settings.
- Fixed handling of special code within other conditional include special code.
- Fixed personal page for superadmin to be blank.
- Clear admin/preview mode for personal page.
- Improved Personal Page output.
- Added support for ###NAME.raw### and ###NAME.special### special codes.
- Added support for "internal" http-equiv meta information attributes which are only output as HTTP header but not as HTML.
- Changed default value for configured meta information / product details date/time options to blank.
- Fixed restore of published content item.
- Fixed Delete button position for select-multi meta information / product details options.
- Fixed "assign to" for "use_checkin" "auto-on-save".
- Fixed refresh of Assign To options on change of Workflow Action.
- Fixed handling of special characters in workflow names.
- Fixed escaping of special codes in preview.
- Removed logging of preview scripts and stylesheets.
- Fixed page load performance for content databases configuration and import.
- Fixed handling of special character in user details.
- Disabled error page handling for mode=amin (i.e. to return 404 Not Found for checklinks).
- Fixed possible Javascript injection.
- Fixed PHP error (PHP).
- Improved handling of database import completed.
- Fixed database create/upgrade unused attribute.
- Fixed database create/upgrade errors/warnings.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10.0.4.
- Added web content editor input DOCTYPE dependent on web content editor HTML format.
- Improved web editor context menu positioning.
- Fixed Chrome/Safari context menu positioning.
- Various other improvements.
12th September 2016Asbru Web Content Management v10.0.3 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.0.3 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added handling of NOSCRIPT tags in HTML Header.
- Improved handling of Meta Information "charset" and "http-equiv-XXXXX" data.
- Improved use of Meta Information data from templates and additional content items.
- Improved handling of special characters in Meta Information data.
- Added support for "salutation" and "gender" and "birthdate" and "birthyear" and "birthmonth" and "birthday" HTML FORM data for personal administration page.
- Added support for @@@personal_salutation@@@ (user title) and @@@personal_gender@@@ and @@@personal_birthdate@@@ and @@@personal_birthyear@@@ and @@@personal_birthmonth@@@ and @@@personal_birthday@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@list:.....:metainfo_XXXXX contains XXXXX@@@ and @@@list:.....:productinfo_XXXXX contains XXXXX@@@ special code parameters for matching one of multiple values.
- Added use of Enter, Format, Encoding, Format Block, Font Name and Font Size configuration settings for @@@webeditor:.....@@@ special codes.
- Fixed handling of @@@url:.....@@@ and @@@urlprotocol:.....@@@ and @@@urldomain:.....@@@ and @@@urlport:.....@@@ and @@@urlpathquery:.....@@@ and @@@urlpath:.....@@@ and @@@urlquery:.....@@@ special codes.
- Improved handling of special codes for expired/unpublished content items.
- Added support for drag-and-drop file upload for administration of File content items.
- Added support for file upload of multiple images/files through Select Content pop-up dialogue.
- Fixed handling of Add New / Unpublish / Delete after Save of content items.
- Fixed Javascript injection issue.
- Added Configuration / Features / Meta Information / Pre-Defined Meta Information Options configuration settings.
- Added Configuration / System / Ecommerce / Product Details / Pre-Defined Product Details Options configuration settings.
- Added Website Content / ..... / Meta Information / Add New pre-defined meta information options (if any).
- Added Ecommerce / Products / ..... / Product Details / Add New pre-defined product details options (if any).
- Added "allow_config_sql" special configuration setting for SQL queried pre-defined meta information options (/config.static.xxx).
- Fixed Quickstart Configuration issue.
- Fixed custom module issue (PHP).
- Fixed Asbru Web Content Editor issue (PHP).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10.0.3:
- Improved handling of Enter output.
- Improved handling of content selections.
- Improved Remove Format merging of HTML tags.
- Fixed positioning of context menus.
- Various other improvements.
9th August 2016Asbru Web Content Management v10.0.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.0.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added @@@content_id@@@ special code.
- Added "###NAME.htmlscript###" special code for use in Javascript code in HTML attributes.
- Added @@@paged:.....:selected=CLASSNAME:previous=TEXT:next=TEXT@@@ special code parameters - defaults: "selected=WCMselected" - "previous= ... " - "next= ... "
- Fixed handling of special codes inside special codes.
- Fixed handling of special codes for custom content databases attributes named "title" and "content" etc.
- Fixed preview of @@@list:.....@@@ unpublished and scheduled content items.
- Fixed @@@include:database=.....@@@ query for BLOB/CLOB attributes.
- Fixed special codes Javascript injection.
- Fixed handling of additional content elements.
- Fixed Advanced Scripting / HTML Attributes output to static .html file.
- Fixed deletion of old export folder file on update of image/file content item filename.
- Fixed deletion of ignored scheduled content item filenames.
- Fixed add new content item email notification handling of special codes.
- Fixed handling of checked/selected checkbox/select options.
- Fixed display of content databases data descriptions.
- Fixed post to content databases permissions.
- Added support for reusing core database connection in custom extensions using 'request.getAttribute("_DB_")' / 'session.getAttribute("_DB_")' (JSP only).
- Fixed file lock issue (JSP).
- Asbru Web Content Editor v10.0.2:
- Fixed use of ribbon for "-DEFAULT-" toolbar.
- Fixed web editor toolbar dropdown positioning.
- Fixed imagemap handling of large images (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
27th June 2016Asbru Web Content Management v10.0.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10.0.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Removed view permissions for content items in hidden content groups/types so that hiding content groups/types also acts as access restrictions.
- Fixed email administrators issue.
- Fixed handling of scheduled content items.
- Fixed workflow action triggered publishing of content items.
- Fixed website content administration index dropdown options (MSIE 9).
- Fixed handling of duplicate filenames for cloud storage.
- Improved, limited number of "paged" links on administration index pages for very large numbers of content items.
- Added special configuration setting for limited number of paged pages on administration index pages.
- Fixed website content comparison of international and special characters.
- Fixed MSIE web content editor input focus after modal overlay.
- Added "@@@urlprotocol@@@" and "@@@urldomain@@@" and "@@@urlport@@@" special codes.
- Added support for "WCM:MOVED:URL" custom extension output for HTTP 301 Moved Permanently redirection.
- Added "@@@extension:moved(URL)@@@" custom extension for HTTP 301 Moved Permanently redirection.
- Fixed WCM:REDIRECT custom extension (PHP).
- Fixed handling of image format extensions which are not image MIME-types.
- Added handling of database errors for posted content database data as invalid data post.
- Added support for "email_error" HTML FORM parameter for database error email notification for posted content database data.
- Added forced change of expired passwords configuration options (Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Website administrator login / Force change of expired website administrator passwords) (Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Website user login / Force change of expired website user passwords).
- Improved handling of completed database import.
- Fixed handling of special codes for export of content items as static content.
- Improved database error logging.
- Added cleaning of NULL characters in database values (JSP).
- Added handling of Oracle WebLogic database connection error (JSP).
- Removed login email notifications and logging for ecommerce and usage analytics report data.
- Various other improvements.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v10.0.1
- Added conditional ribbon tabs for web content editor.
- Added support for all custom ribbon tabs/buttons toolbar configuration lines.
- Fixed MSIE11 formatblock.
- Fixed form value issue (MSIE 11).
- Various other improvements.
18th April 2016Asbru Web Content Management v10 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v10 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Asbru Web Content Editor v10 with configurable Microsoft Office ribbon-style toolbars (classic-style toolbars also still available).
- Content builder functionality for easy website page layout creation using professionally designed and optionally your own, pre-defined content building blocks (available through the Content Builder web content editor toolbar icons).
- Customised personal website content, media library and ecommerce products administration views for easy access to many different website content data for different users and uses, as well as gallery views for media library images.
- Browse & Edit mode easy access to your website's micro-website domain names, scheduled website content, and language, device, user segment and user test variant versions of your website content, as well as Microsoft Office ribbon-style toolbars and Content Builder functionality.
- Browse & Edit mode
- Added preview website, scheduled, language, device, user segment and user test variant options.
- Added default use of Microsoft Office ribbon-style toolbars and access to Content Builder functionality (through the Content Builder web content editor toolbar icons).
- Personal Workspace, Website Content, Media Library, Ecommerce Products and Stock, and Search
- Added administration index pages customised personal views.
- Added index pages support for "versionmaster", "contentformat", "contentdelivery", "searchable", "menuitem", "url", "author", "description", "keywords" columns.
- Website Content, Media Library, Ecommerce Products
- Added administration pages default use of Microsoft Office ribbon-style toolbars and access to Content Builder functionality (through the Content Builder web content editor toolbar icons).
- Added administration pages user details and photos for Save / Assign To options.
- Added administration pages View List and View Gallery options for Additional Content and Content Relations image selections.
- Media Library
- Added Images index pages gallery views.
- Added Images index pages quick image previews for title, administration and preview icons.
- Users Database
- Added index pages administration links for Name and Username columns.
- Added User Details / Photo input.
- Added Administrator Preferences / Asbru Web Editor / Skin and Toolbar options.
- Added Administrator Preferences / Asbru Web Editor / Website Content Search, Website Content Advanced Search, Website Content Search and Replace options.
- Configuration
- Added automatic use of Java Data Source named "jdbc/wcm" as database connection as default if configured in your Java application server (JSP).
- Added fine-grained Backup & Export data options (Configuration / System / Database / Backup & Export).
- Added Default Website Domain Name and Web Server's Local Domain Name options (Configuration / System / Website / Website Settings).
- Added optional authorization token requirement for database-specific data posts (Configuration / System / Website / Email & Forms / Forms Authorization).
- Added support for @@@authorize:database=DATABASENAME@@@ and @@@authorize:database=DATABASENAME=DATAID@@@ special codes for authorization of database-specific data posts (through "/post.jsp|jsp|php").
- Added web content editor Skin and Toolbar configuration options (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Asbru Web Editor) (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Browse & Edit).
- Added content builder Content Snippets and Categories configuration options (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Content Builder).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v10:
- Added default use of Microsoft Office ribbon-style toolbars.
- Added access to Content Builder functionality through Content Builder toolbar icons/ribbon.
- Added use of "X-Frame-Options: sameorigin" for clickjacking prevention support.
- Added View List and View Gallery options for Insert Hyperlink / Images.
- Improved preview for Insert Hyperlink / Images.
- Added View List and View Gallery options for Insert Media / Images.
- Added support for Left-To-Right and Right-To-Left editing for inline-editing mode.
- Added workaround for broken Enter functionality for heading tags (Firefox).
- Added workaround for broken unlink functionality for anchor tags (Firefox).
- Added workaround for broken/limited Bulleted List, Numbered List, Indent and Outdent functionality (MSIE 11).
- Added workaround for image selection problem (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
29th February 2016Asbru Web Content Management v9.2.7 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.2.7 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved handling of international characters and file extensions in downloaded filenames.
- Improved handling of non-existing content.
- Updated to new recaptcha.net API.
- Fixed CAPTCHA support for HTTPS.
- Fixed handling of @ characters in @@@list:.....@@@ special codes.
- Fixed Browse & Edit mode error message.
- Added web content editor pop-up overlay repositioning on window resize.
- Added suppport for web browser versions with deprecated synchronous AJAX functionality.
- Added compatibility with "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" server configuration.
- Fixed administration index pages List All sorting of mixed numeric/string format value columns.
- Added sorting by metainfo columns on content administration index pages.
- Added sorting by metainfo and productinfo columns on personal workspace.
- Fixed Select All performance for large numbers of content items and workflow actions.
- Fixed publish multiple selected content items issue.
- Fixed access permissions for publish multiple.
- Fixed preview of empty element content items.
- Fixed handling of "or" content group/type access restrictions.
- Fixed deletion of static files for scheduled, renamed, unpublished content item.
- Fixed Advanced Search date/time wrapping.
- Fixed Advanced Search for content class only.
- Fixed Search & Replace display of Experience Add-On inputs.
- Fixed order administration for different database servers.
- Added support for @@@authorize:database=DATABASENAME@@@ and @@@authorize:database=DATABASENAME=DATAID@@@ special codes.
- Fixed content databases administration search.
- Added special configuration options for MySQL Usage Statistics Add-On performance. (/config.static.xxx)
- Fixed handling of reversed period start/end timestamps.
- Added support for application server configured data source named "jdbc/wcm" as default database.
- Fixed disabling of link adjustments for database import and upgrade.
- Added users export/import administrator preferences and other new attributes.
- Fixed administrator preferences for user database import of changed usernames.
- Fixed folder path issue for Microsoft Azure.
- Added support for custom extension "WCM:SESSION:name=value" output.
- Improved preview of scheduled content items.
- Fixed handling of invalid timestamps.
- Fixed handling of possible wildcards in content ids.
- Added handling of HTML encoded operand parameters. (.NET)
- Various other improvements.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2.7
- Improved cleaning/shortening of web browser expanded URLs.
- Fixed bookmarking for insert INPUT tags.
- Fixed handling of select all keyboard shortcut.
- Added find/cut/copy/paste keyboard shortcut alert (Firefox) (MSIE).
- Fixed find functionality (Firefox) (MSIE).
- Improved handling of completely empty content (Firefox) (MSIE 11).
- Fixed justify left/center/right/full DIV container handling (Firefox).
- Improved handling of "backspace" (MSIE).
- Improved handling of deletion of all content (MSIE).
- Improved selection handling (Chrome/Safari) (MSIE).
- Fixed handling of "enter" (MSIE).
- Fixed selection of INPUT nodes (MSIE 11).
- Fixed handling of empty content (MSIE 11).
- Fixed MSIE 11 table merge (MSIE 11).
- Fixed View HTML textarea size for MSIE 11 in MSIE 9 document mode (MSIE 11).
- Increased padding (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed Chrome handling of "find" alert (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed custom output on Enter (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
21st September 2015Asbru Web Content Management v9.2.6 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.2.6 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved Customer Experience Management Add-On performance.
- Added support for using Customer Experience Management Add-On without using Usage Statistics Add-On.
- Added special configuration setting for disabling detection of minor operating systems and web browsers.
- Added Customer Experience Management Add-On and Usage Statistics
Add-On support for Microsoft Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge web browser.
- Added Hosting Edition support for Customer Experience Management Add-On for client websites.
- Added support for "###NAME.number###" special codes.
- Fixed calendar extension.
- Fixed shopping cart display of content item variants (PHP).
- Fixed email notification preview links for content elements.
- Fixed content administration loading of style sheets.
- Fixed Select Users display of user groups (PHP).
- Fixed delete multiple media library content items.
- Fixed E-Commerce Add-On order administration for different database servers.
- Fixed LDAP directory settings for hiding users administration section.
- Fixed "/webadmin/api/" scripts (PHP) (Linux/Unix).
- Added additional caching (PHP).
- Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2.6:
- Added support for iOS 9.
- Fixed default colour (MSIE).
- Fixed Insert Imagemap (MSIE).
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink, Insert Media, Select Content margin/padding allowance (Chrome) (Edge).
- Various other improvements.
17th August 2015Asbru Web Content Management v9.2.5 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.2.5 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2.5.
- Added Microsoft Windows 10 Edge web browser support.
- Various other improvements.
1st August 2015Asbru Web Content Management v9.2.4 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.2.4 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added Advanced Search Date/Time.
- Fixed display of Advanced Search and Search & Replace user segment and test without Experience Add-On license.
- Added support for unlimited number of template levels.
- Fixed handling of "none" additional content elements for multilevel templates.
- Fixed Edit Image for Use dynamic web addresses for published pages.
- Fixed Edit Image handling of uppercase filename extensions.
- Added content dependencies refresh on database upgrade.
- Added content dependencies handling of static filename src attributes.
- Improved content dependencies detection for scripts and style sheets.
- Added product delivery handling of Experience Add-On software licenses.
- Fixed BR tags encoding for text format email notifications.
- Fixed display of old login error message.
- Fixed action menu pop-up select-box handling (Mozilla Firefox).
- Fixed overlapping publishing ~ scheduled publishing issue.
- Fixed deletion of scheduled/archived static filename files issue.
- Added missing image files.
- Fixed display of Configuration / Users menu users for LDAP directory user database.
- Fixed real path handling of trailing slashes for Tomcat v8.x.
- Fixed caching issue for archived content items.
- Fixed content read by filename cache issue.
- Fixed incorrect loop detected log messages for Search & Replace.
- Added database extension error logging.
- Fixed menu extension id issue.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2.4.
- Added missing icons for alternative editor/toolbar styles.
- Fixed web editor Edit Image input placement for iPad.
- Added hierarchical folders for content selector.
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink / Insert Media window sizes (Microsoft Internet Explorer 11).
- Improved handling of font name and size.
- Fixed Show HTML issue (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Fixed content selection issue (Microsoft Internet Explorer 11).
- Various other improvements.
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