What's New
13th January 2025Asbru Web Content Management v12.2.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.2.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Fixed Javascript injection issue.
- Improved content search handling of special characters.
- Improved content search for HTML entity encoded characters.
- Fixed handling of parenthesis in @@@condition:.....@@@ special codes.
- Fixed handling of @@@include:FILENAME.ATTRIBUTE@@@ special codes without explicit format.
- Fixed handling of @@@photo@@@ and @@@personal_photo@@@ and @@@user_photo@@@ special codes.
- Fixed handling of special characters in @@@include:DATABASE:.....@@@ special codes.
- Fixed handling of special characters in folder names for moving content.
- Fixed handling of static filename for moving content.
- Fixed device simulator preview filename issue (Apache Tomcat 9.0.91+).
- Disabled web browser resizing of content builder HTML code view.
- Improved data search handling of special characters.
- Fixed administration pages' handling of special characters in URL parameters.
- Fixed add new user handling of user class.Fixed REST API users search handling of pagesize parameter.
- Added "page_clear_mode_preview" = "yes" special configuration setting to restrict preview mode to initial content.
- Added "selector_mode_create_categories" = "selectedonly" special configuration setting to optimise Add New Content pop-up selector handling of very large numbers of content items.
- Added "webadmin_browseedit" = "forbid" special configuration setting to disabled Browse & Edit mode.
- Added "HTTP-Cache-Control" = "....." special configuration setting for HTTP Cache-Control header (fx. "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate").
- Added "HTTP-Pragma" = "....." special configuration setting for HTTP Pragma header (fx. "no-cache").
- Added "HTTP-Expires" = "....." special configuration setting for HTTP Expires header (fx. "0").
- Added "exclude_meta_author" = "all" / "empty" and "exclude_meta_description" = "all" / "empty" and "exclude_meta_keywords" = "all" / "empty" and "exclude_title" = "all" / "empty" special configuration settings to not output any/empty HTML author/description/keywords/title headers.
- Added DB.contains_casesensitive = true/false special configuration setting for case-sensitive SQL contains queries (default: false).
- Added DB.collate_casesensitive = "....." special configuration setting for eventual database server required SQL query command collate parameter for case-sensitive SQL contains queries ("select ... where (COLUMN COLLATE like '%VALUE%')") (default: "").
- Added ":;[]" to Fileupload.blocked_chars (default: Fileupload.blocked_chars = "*?#&@\"<>|:;[]").
- Added support for "@@@RANDOM@@@" special code in "default_logout_url" and "default_logout_url_admin" redirection URLs (Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Website Administrator Logout + Website User Logout).
- Fixed menu display issue for superadmin password reset page.
- Fixed database upgrade handling of special codes.
- Renamed "/webadmin/module/*/" and "/webadmin/simulators/*/" folders as workaround for filename issue (Apache Tomcat 9.0.91+).
Note: Custom "/webadmin/api/*/" and "/webadmin/extension/*/" and "/webadmin/module/*/" and "/webadmin/simulators/*/" folder names containing blanks may also need to be renamed (Apache Tomcat 9.0.91+).
- Asbru Web Content Editor v12.2.2:
- Added editable HTML code view for Insert Snippet for manually editing pre-defined and inserting custom HTML code.
- Various other improvements.
23rd September 2024Asbru Web Content Management v12.2.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.2.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added support for @@@include:ID.ATTRIBUTE.FORMAT@@@ special codes for "raw", "html", "script", "htmlscript", "text", "values", "p", "div" and "number" format.
- Added support for special codes in content author, description, keywords and meta information attributes.
- Added special configuration setting for content search and replace limit on number of content items ("content_searchreplace_limit").
- Fixed content search handling of single-quotes and blanks.
- Added special configuration setting for content database data import use of given data ids for new data (Data.IMPORTUSENONEXISTINGIDS = true).
- Fixed content database data import handling of overlapping data ids (Databases / Import).
- Fixed order search handling of single-quotes and blanks.
- Added support for ReCAPTCHA v3 and v3 Enterprise with fallback to v2 (Configuration / System / Website / Email & Forms).
- Added support for ReCAPTCHA v3 and v3 Enterprise minimum score (Configuration / System / Website / Email & Forms).
- Added error messages for users import (Configuration / Users / Import).
- Added special configuration setting to disable import of duplicate usernames (IMPORTEXISTINGUSERNAMES = false) (Configuration / Users / Import).
- Fixed comments administration log error message.
- Fixed renaming of content package, bundle and version as well as file, image, link and product group and type.
- Fixed caching of content types.
- Fixed handling of user group/type for add new user.
- Optimized users administration handling of user groups and types.
- Optimized /webadmin/rest/...../exists/ content, image, file, link, product and user groups and types handling of subgroups and subtypes.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v12.2.1:
- Added support for ChromeOS.
- Improved handling of stylesheet colours.
- Optimized Insert Hyperlink content, image, file, link and product groups and types handling of subgroups and subtypes.
- Optimized Insert Media image and file groups and types handling of subgroups and subtypes.
- Optimized Select content, element, image, file, link, product, template, stylesheet, script and user groups and types handling of subgroups and subtypes.
- Fixed selection of table header cells (Firefox).
- Removed deprecated fix for backspace span handling (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
21st June 2024Asbru Web Content Management v12.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added "complete" REST API for all web content management system administration functionality for possible full customisation of administration pages and integration with other systems and headless operation.
- Added support for "access_token" and "refresh_token" cookie credentials for REST API.
- Added password/webadmin REST API website function.
- Added content/count, content/create, content/export/html, content/folders, content/import, content/livegrid, content/metadata, content/metadata/csv, content/post, content/print, content/print/html, content/searchreplace, content/spellcheck, content/stock, content/structure, content/structure/html, content/stylesheets, content/validatemarkup, content/validatemarkup/proxy, content/workflow_username_options/html, contentgroups/exists, contenttypes/exists, filegroups/exists, filetypes/exists, imagegroups/exists, imagetypes/exists, linkgroups/exists, linktypes/exists, currency/export/csv, currency/import, currency/import/html, productavailability, productdelivery, products/export/csv, products/import, products/import/html, productgroups/exists, producttypes/exists, orders/checkin, orders/checkout, orders/close, orders/delete, orders/email, orders/export/csv, orders/livegrid, orders/move, orders/open, orders/workflow_username_options/html, orderitems/export/csv, data/export/txt, data/import, data/import/html, data/livegrid, databases/exists, segments/clear, usertests/clear, usertests/exists, usertests/variants, users/email, users/export/csv, users/import, users/import/html, users/livegrid, users/password/ users/update_all, usergroups/exists, usertypes/exists, hosting/delete, hosting/livegrid, hosting/move, hostinggroups/exists, hostingtypes/exists, license, config/cache, config/cache/clear, config/database, config/database/html, config/systemcheck/html, database/backup, database/decrypt/html, database/encrypt/html, database/export, database/export/html, database/upgrade, database/upgrade/html, database/contentdependencies/html, api, api/media, extension, publishscheduled, workflows/states, projects/livegrid REST API webadmin functions.
- Extended/improved comments, config, content, content/checklinks, content/usersegment, content/usertest, contentgroups, contenttypes, data, filegroups, filetypes, hosting, imagegroups, imagestypes, linkgroups, linktypes, orders, orderitems, productgroups, producttypes, projecttasks, segments, usergroups, usertypes, usertests REST API webadmin functions.
- Changed/moved metadata to content/metadata REST API webadmin function.
- Added default redirect URL for invalid form posts (Configuration / System / Website / Email & Forms / Forms Validation / Invalid redirect website address URL).
- Added configuration of HTTP Accept-CH and Critical-CH client hints (Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / HTTP Accept-CH Header + HTTP Critical-CH Header).
- Added configuration of restrictions for superadmin password restore functionality (Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Superadmin Website Administrator Login / Superadmin Password Restore)
- Added configuration setting to (attempt to) generate valid random password for password reset functionality (Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Password Reset / Password Generation).
- Added configuration of title, filename or download parameter to be used as suggested filename for file downloads (Configuration / System / Website / Special Settings / Media Library Content Delivery / Image And File Download Filename).
- Added support "administrator" access permissions override of checkedout content (Configuration / Features / Checkout/Checkin / Administrator Override).
- Added configuration of web browser supported image formats (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Content Editor / Web Browser Image Formats).
- Added configuration of spell checking command (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Content Editor / Spell Checking) (REST API).
- Added configuration setting to require access permisions for own user account for access to personal website administrator settings (Configuration / Features / User Preferences).
- Added configuration setting to disable specific personal website administrator settings (Configuration / Features / User Preferences).
- Added default HTTP Same-Site: Lax header for cookies.
- Various other improvements.
21st June 2024Asbru Web Content Management v12.1.4 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.1.4 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added support for search for multiple content ids.
- Added iPhone 12, 12 Pro Max, 13, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max simulators content preview options.
- Improved handling of scheduled publish and unpublish.
- Fixed handling of checkedout.
- Fixed handling of inherited meta information.
- Fixed media upload API for publish multiple content items.
- Fixed content builder handling of single image content.
- Fixed Browse & Edit mode handling of checklinks.
- Fixed search query (DB2).
- Added support for "forced" width content databases data administration index columns ("!200px").
- Fixed content databases delete column.
- Added support for reCAPTCHA v3 and reCAPTCHA v3 Enterprise (Configuration / System / Website / Email & Forms / reCAPTCHA).
- Added Content.EXTERNALDEPENDENCIES=false special configuration setting to disable handling of external links to other domain names as content dependencies.
- Added "webadmin_user_disabled" special configuration setting to disable specific personal website administrator settings (default: "username name organisation email").
- Added "webadmin_user_autopermission=no" special configuration setting to require access permisions for own user account for access to personal website administrator settings.
- Added support for email server configuration of protocols and ciphers.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v12.1.4
- Added editing of title in content selector.
- Added search functionality in content selector.
- Improved justify left/center/right/full of images.
- Various other improvements.
21st February 2024Asbru Web Content Management v12.1.3 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.1.3 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added support for "/file.xxx?id=ID&download=FILENAME" and "/image.xxx?id=ID&download=FILENAME" save as filename parameters.
- Added support for "/file.xxx?TITLE&download=FILENAME" and "/image.jsp/TITLE?download=FILENAME" save as filename parameters.
- Fixed AUTHORIZE handling of enctype=multipart/form-data.
- Fixed login error message.
- Fixed website administrator access to update personal settings/preferences.
- Fixed personal workspace handling of move selected workflow + comments.
- Fixed Personal Workspace handling of offscreen selected content items.
- Fixed personal workspace handling of empty grids.
- Fixed workspace content sorting by id.
- Added support for "captcha_url" FORM parameter to override automatic "captcha_url" session variable.
- Upgraded content comparison diff library to latest release.
- Improved checklinks functionality.
- Improved handling of server filename upper/lower-case handling.
- Improved deletion of scheduled publish to also automatically unpublish "current" if matching.
- Improved handling of non-logged id preview/admin mode to not execute extensions etc.
- Improved detection/handling of short-form custom extension special codes.
- Improved handling of non-special code ### characters in content.
- Fixed copying of content item folder/file with other content item in sub-folder/file.
- Fixed email users to ignore usergroup/usertype if user ids given.
- Fixed language localisation handling of content class display.
- Added support for @@@list:.....:!countall!@@@ for access permissions adjusted paging.
- Added support for @@@list:users:userclass=template@@@ and @@@list:users:userclass!=template@@@
- Added @@@list:.....@@@ handling of scheduled published / first published.
- Added support for "@@@authorize:.....:REDIRECTURL@@@" and "@@@authorize:.....:REDIRECTURL:REDIRECTINVALIDURL@@@".
- Added support for @@@extension:.....@@@ special codes in notification emails.
- Added script and stylesheet support for @@@extension:.....@@@ special codes.
- Added support for "webbrowser_image_formats" special configuration setting (default: "gif,jpg,jpeg,png") for webp etc. image format preview/editing support.
- Added temporary server filename note for unique suffix for unpublished content items.
- Added reuse of existing unique filename.
- Fixed file upload for scheduled content.
- Fixed file upload filename handling.
- Fixed data administration index handling of special characters.
- Fixed content database admin input error pop-up on opening page.
- Fixed custom data administration page encoding of ".input".
- Fixed content data import handling og leading/trailing whitespace.
- Fixed content database handling of select-multi unselection.
- Fixed @@@include:database=xxx:.....@@@ handling of number attributes (DB2).
- Fixed content databases rebuilding requirement (DB2).
- Fixed content databases user space size requirement (DB2).
- Fixed handling of deleting first content database attribute.
- Fixed handling of deleting and recreating content database attribute.
- Fixed segments id ordering.
- Fixed handling of "template" userclass.
- Fixed handling of password encryption on update without password change.
- Fixed user password encoding for both DIGEST+encoding enabled.
- Fixed db encryption functionality for old/deprecated password encoding.
- Added support for parentheses in group/type names.
- Improved/fixed Quickstart Configuration handling of database connection configuration.
- Fixed quickstart configuration redirect after website content
- Fixed character handling for pre-defined meta information attributes.
- Added support for "webbrowser_image_formats" special configuration setting (default: "gif,jpg,jpeg,png") for webp etc. image format preview/editing support.
- Added support for "http_accept_ch", "http_accept_ch_webadmin", "http_critical_ch", "http_critical_ch_webadmin" special configuration settings for HTTP Accect-Ch and Critical-Ch headers.
- Added "use_password_generate"="yes" special configuration settings to (try to) generate valid password for the password reset function.
- Added "mail.smtp.ssl.protocols"="TLSv1.3 TLSv1.2" and "mail.smtp.ssl.ciphersuites"="TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 ....." special configuration settings to use specific protocols/ciphers instead of the Java environment defaults for sending emails.
- Added Request.PROXYREMOTE=false and Website.PROXYREMOTE=false special configuration setting to ignore/disable use of "X-Forwarded-For" HTTP headers.
- Added UsageLog.PROXYREMOTE=false special configuration setting to ignore/disable use of "X-Forwarded-For" HTTP headers.
- Added Request.PROXYREMOTE and Request.PROXYREMOTEDEFAULT special configuration settings to disable/use "X-Forwarded-For" HTTP headers.
- Added DB support for custom Page.DEFAULT_ID and Page.RANDOM_ID for unsigned database schema content ids for very large number of content items support.
- Added HostingAPI + ExecCommand DEBUG flag special configuration settings.
- Added AMAZON SNS SMS login script example.
- Fixed login script response handling.
- Upgraded to jQuery v3.7.1.
- Upgraded to jQuery UI v1.13.2.
- Fixed database query performance (Microsoft SQL Server).
- Added database upgrade "reorg" for DB2 to rebuild database schema changes.
- Fixed handling of number attributes (DB2).
- Added support for email server configuration setting (PHP).
- Refactored search and advanced search to avoid size limitation (JSP).
- Asbru Web Content Editor v12.1.3:
- Improved web editor list handling.
- Improved list formatting change - cleanup of old DT tags.
- Improved indent/outdent handling.
- Improved handling of indent and outdent of lists.
- Improved align functionality.
- Fixed web editor Insert ... handling of ' in groups/types/titles.
- Fixed encoding of script tags in lists.
- Improved indent (Firefox).
- Improved indentation selection handling (Firefox).
- Improved selection handling (Chrome/Safari).
- Improved font name/size selection handling (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed Safari version detection (Safari).
- Various other improvements..
3rd February 2023Asbru Web Content Management v12.1.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.1.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Fixed comments Javascript injection.
- Fixed special character handling in view names.
- Fixed unauthorised login error message on direct access to login page when already logged in.
- Added support for content administration index revision column.
- Added support for "administrator_override_checkedout" = "yes" special configuration setting for "administrator" access permissions to override "checkedout" restrictions.
- Added content administration "assign to: -none-" option for superadmin and checked out website administrator as well as for "administrator_override_checkedout" = "yes" special configuration setting.
- Improved content index handling of no/invalid view/columns.
- Fixed move content items handling of files.
- Fixed internal redirection to relative to avoid redirection blocking.
- Fixed content administration redirects.
- Fixed preservation of published/unpublished for restored content items.
- Fixed encoding of blanks in custom index column URL.
- Fixed form post handling of utf-8 characters.
- Fixed content databases export handling of SCRIPT tags in content titles.
- Fixed content database export/import of TAB.
- Fixed content database search handling of TAB data columns.
- Improved users index handling of no/invalid view/columns.
- Fixed administrator preferences handling of content group/type utf-8 characters.
- Fixed administrator preferences "no password" error.
- Fixed administrator preferences update error (PHP).
- Fixed hosting administration move selected.
- Fixed content databases configuration reordering.
- Fixed handling of special characters in microwebsite domain.
- Added REST API "_XXXXX_license" (inherited) ~ "__XXXXX_license" (specific) license flags.
- Fixed REST API errors.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v12.1.1:
- Fixed content selector pop-ups handling of SCRIPT tags in content title.
- Fixed selection handling of BODY (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements..
31st October 2022Asbru Web Content Management v12.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added /password/update.xxx administration page for website user password change functionality (Configuration / System / Website / Special Pages / Update Password Page).
- Added website user password confirmation/notification email for password/email changes (Configuration / System / Website / Special Pages / Updated Password Email).
- Added handling of HTTP Sec-CH-UA headers appended to User-Agent as default.
- Fixed usagelog to separate database.
- Added blocking of login OTP reuse.
- Added Content, Media, Ecommerce / Folders left-hand menu items (if enabled).
- Added website administrator preferences password confirmation/notification email for password changes (Configuration / System / Website / Special Pages / Updated Password Email).
- Improved path/file name cleaning.
- Fixed superadmin website login redirection.
- Updated jQuery to v3.6.1.
- Improved content databases administrator email lists to handle and/or access restrictions setting.
- Added default requirement for old website/webadmin user password to change website user password (for /password/ and /webadmin/user/).
- Added special configuration setting to allow simple website/webadmin user password changes (Note: Without this website functionality for users to change their password needs to be changed to use /password/update.xxx).
- Enable user categories restrictions to only allow user database administrators to assign users to user groups/types for which the administrator has "create" access permissions
- Added administrator preferences to show/hide content/library/ecommerce content folders.
- Improved superadmin password reset functionality.
- Added user view audit logging.
- Improved display of anonymous username.
- Added Configuration / System / Database / Database Connection option to upgrade database content or to configure database connection string without upgrading database content.
- Added Configuration / System / Database / Database Connection support for configuration of optional, additional read-only database connection string; usagelog database connection string; read-only usagelog database connection string; and initialization and upgrade of separate usagelog database.
- Added Configuration / System / Superadmin password confirmation for configuration settings changes.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Superadmin Password Storage + Superadmin Login configurations settings for super admin password storage and login options.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Website Addresses / Permitted HTTP ORIGIN/REFERER for website/administration links/HTML FORM POSTs (as an alternative/supplement to web application server Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) filtering).
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Special Pages / Update Password Page and Updated Password Email configuration settings for /password/update.xxx functionality and updated password(/email/username) email confirmation/notification (for /personal/ and /password/ and /webadmin/user/).
- Added Configuration / Features / Content Definition / Enable~Disable Content Folders settings.
- Added Configuration / Workflows / ..... / Notification Users: Creator Editors Developers Publishers Administrators configuration settings for workflow action notification email to additional recipients.
- Added Response.ForceSameSiteCookies="..." special configuration setting.
- Added Login.DEBUG=true special configuration setting (JSP).
- Added Cms.LOG_AUDIT_SYSTEMOUT=true Cms.LOG_DEBUG_SYSTEMOUT=true Cms.LOG_USAGE_SYSTEMOUT=true Cms.LOG_USERS_SYSTEMOUT=true special configuration settings (JSP).
- Added support for multiple secondary /webadmin/api/xxxxx/xxxxx.xxx program scripts.
- Added support for /webadmin/api/register.xxx, subscribe.xxx, unsubscribe.xxx, shopcart_complete.xxx program scripts.
- Added /webadmin/api/ example/template program scripts.
- Added devices + modules + simulators + webeditors REST APIs.
- Added content archive, checkin, checkout, copy, delete, dependencies, heatmap, move, publish, unpublish, usersegment, usertest, checkloops, checklinks REST APIs.
- Extended config REST API: Added default currency symbol, metainformation options, productdetails options.
- Extended content REST API: Added created, updated, published, unpublished, deleted, firstpublished user names; webeditor, format, customscript; server filename extension, path, file; template, image1, image2, image3, file1, file2, file3, link1, link2, link3, version_master, product_email, product_page titles; stylesheets, elements, scripts, related ids titles; template stylesheets, combined stylesheets, stylesheets URL; editors, publishers, administrators emails; dummy blank attributes; admin status; product_program_options; hidden, versions, scheduledrevisions, dependents, workflowpermissions, checkoutpermissions, archivedeletepermissions flags; timestamp.
- Extended REST API test page options.
- Fixed sales/usage reports server-side logging of (encrypted) passwords.
- Added WCMS webeditor modules call of custom "doReady" Javascript function (if any) on ready.
- Improved "webeditor_custom_ready" custom Javascript function (if any) to only be called once.
- Fixed for view source function parameter to view source/wysiwyg/toggle.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v12.1.0.
- Improved list editing.
- Improved selection handling.
- Improved table cell formatting.
- Improved handling of headings and insert table and insert box inside P tag.
- Fixed image resizing.
- Various other improvements.
14th September 2022Asbru Web Content Management v12.0.4 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.0.4 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Fixed handling of @@@list:.....@@@ special codes within other special codes.
- Fixed handling of special codes for export to static files.
- Fixed database query conversion error (Oracle).
- Fixed Content+Media+Ecommerce / Folders left-hand menu items (if enabled).
- Fixed handling of website administration content search for invalid characters in id.
- Fixed handling of existing file on upload/rename to invalid filename extension.
- Fixed handling of existing file on upload of too large file.
- Improved error display for upload of too large image/file size.
- Fixed deletion of content database index (PostgreSQL).
- Added display of database connection string (re)configuration error/warning messages.
- Added support for "/webadmin/database/upgrade.aspx|jsp|php?database_version=XX.X" to re-run database upgrade scripts from given database version number.
- Improved database query error logging and display.
- Fixed database upgrade (PostgreSQL/Oracle).
- Improved handling of configuration file settings.
- Added error messages for deleted required Quickstart configuration settings (License / Superadmin / Forms recipient / Orders recipient / Default page / Default template / Default style sheet).
- Added "config_quickstart_lock=black" special configuration setting to prevent required Quickstart configuration settings to be deleted.
- Added Usergroup.RECURSIVE=false and Usertype.RECURSIVE=false special configuration settings to disable inherited/recursive user groups/types for backwards compatibility.
- Fixed user permissions database export.
- Fixed PayPal configuration logo.
- Fixed REST API checklinks of multiple content items output.
- Fixed /webadmin/api/ support for .aspx|jsp|php program scripts.
- Added updated Oracle database driver (JSP).
- Asbru Web Content Editor v12.1.0:
- Improved list editing.
- Improved selection handling.
- Improved table cell formatting.
- Improved handling of headings and insert table and insert box inside P tag.
- Fixed image resizing.
- Various other improvements..
6th June 2022Asbru Web Content Management v12.0.3 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.0.3 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved @@@extension:.....(.....)@@@ special code handling.
- Fixed @@@.....@@@ custom special code format handling.
- Fixed request parameters handling.
- Fixed shopcart encoding of shipping option.
- Fixed shopcart product stock amount handling.
- Fixed LDAP directory server invalid attribute name handling.
- Fixed handling of special characters in left-hand menu items (PHP).
- Fixed static filename link adjustment.
- Fixed automatic publishing on save handling (NET).
- Fixed email notification handling of LDAP directory server email null values.
- Fixed display of content dependencies (JSP).
- Improved loading of images on image administration page.
- Fixed content class column header name for media library index page.
- Improved error log messages for content database errors.
- Improved content database data number and date/time input validation.
- Added password requirements validation on user update (for unencoded user password storage only).
- Added special configuration setting to restrict categories to user groups/types with "create" permissions (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php).
- Added special configuration setting for backwards-compatible user group/type non-recursion (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php).
- Fixed hosting API database connection handling.
- Added ready to publish default notification email option (Configuration / System / Website / Special Pages / Ready to publish email).
- Fixed handling of file upload remove image properties and personal information configuration settings (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / File Upload).
- Fixed database extension database connection handling.
- Fixed database extension error (JSP).
- Added rssChannel extension special configuration settings for URL sanitisation (JSP).
- Added special configuration setting for enabling/disabling HTTP REMOTE_USER login (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php).
- Added support for cloud deployment using AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM) stored database connection strings using "AWS_SSM_JDBC", "AWS_SSM_JDBC2", "AWS_SSM_REGION" application/environment settings (JSP).
- Added auto-detection of database server type for the default "jdbc/wcm" data source and other generic data sources (JSP).
- Improved orphaned database connection handling for Java9+ special deployment (JSP).
- Fixed HTML FORM POST serialization issue.
- Cleaned up error and debugging log messages.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v12.0.3:
- Fixed removal of empty container tags (Chrome).
- Various other improvements.
14th February 2022Asbru Web Content Management v12.0.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.0.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added "Accept-CH=Sec-CH-UA, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Bitness" special configuration option for handling of HTTP Sec-CH-UA headers appended to User-Agent (/config.aspx|jsp|php) (/webadmin/config.aspx|jsp|php).
- Added "Request.UserAgentHints=true" special configuration option for handling of HTTP Sec-CH-UA headers appended to User-Agent (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php).
- Fixed default HTML encoding of @@@cookie:XXXXX@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@cookie:XXXXX.raw|html|script|htmlscript|text|values|p|div|number@@@ special code output formatting (as for ###XXXXX### special codes).
- Fixed handling of @@@first_published@@@, @@@first_published_by@@@, @@@created_by@@@, @@@updated_by@@@, @@@published_by@@@ special codes.
- Fixed handling of empty/no values in @@@metainfo_XXXXX in|contains|intersects XXXXX@@@ special codes.
- Fixed PayPal payment module logo.
- Fixed login error message for initial web content management system administration login prompt.
- Fixed WCMS ~ REST API login handling (PHP).
- Added Workspace - Publish - Workflow + Comments inputs (as for Workspace - Move).
- Fixed Workspace display of List All ~ List Page buttons.
- Added basic and advanced search export csv functionality.
- Added support for content folders left-hand menu items ("Content.PATHNAME=true" and "use_contentfolders=yes" special configuration settings) (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php).
- Changed mixed content classes column name from "Element" to "Content".
- Fixed display of content administration index Move and Copy buttons for disabled content groups/types.
- Fixed XML special character encoding of 0x0B/ ("vertical bar" from Powerpoint).
- Fixed queued scheduled publishing date/time from content index administration page.
- Fixed scheduled publish handling of first published.
- Fixed error log message for moving content published to static filename.
- Fixed content builder editable headings etc.
- Fixed checklinks handling of content with special codes loops.
- Fixed reload of content page after saving workflow / assign to change.
- Added delayed reload of image on error.
- Added escaping of SCRIPT tags in content database rich text data.
- Added "password_admin_require_min_valid", "password_admin_require_max_invalid", "password_user_require_min_valid", "password_user_require_max_invalid" special configuration settings for min/max valid/invalid password upper/lower/numeric/special character requirements (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php).
- Added "User.CACHEPERMISSIONS=true" special configuration setting for caching of user permissions for user data export (/config.static.jsp) (JSP).
- Added "UCmaintainUsers.IMPORTNONEXISTINGIDS=true" special configuration setting for user data import to create non-existing user ids as new users (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php).
- Fixed display of Usage Analytics / What / Website Content / Style Sheets summary data.
- Updated default AWS cloud deployment MySQL JDBC database driver name (JSP).
- Added database upgrade handling of "Content.PATHNAME=true" special configuration setting for content folders left-hand menu items.
- Improved database export error handling (JSP) (NET).
- Added support for micro-website user-agent special characters.
- Added micro-website user-agent matching support for regular expressions.
- Added "default"/"none" workflow action email notification setting.
- Added /webadmin/rest/content/ support for "archive=archive" and "archive=*" for listing of archived and archived+scheduled/queued content revisions.
- Added /webadmin/rest/content/checklinks REST API.
- Added /webadmin/rest/content/checkloops REST API.
- Added /webadmin/rest/content/preview/ REST API.
- Fixed /webadmin/rest/content REST API page title errors.
- Added upgraded MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server JDBC database drivers (JSP).
- Added special compilation option for Java 9+ with DB Cleaner functionality (JSP).
- Added special compilation option for Tomcat 7.0- and Tomcat 8.5+ (JSP).
- Fixed debug log message (JSP).
- Fixed database connection handling (NET).
- Optimized content/user deletion query filters order.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v12.0.2:
- Improved image selection handling (MSIE11).
- Fixed CodeMirror search.
- Various other improvements.
9th July 2021Asbru Web Content Management v12.0 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v12.0 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Extended cloud service deployment support for Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS (Installation Guide / 2.4 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Deployment and 2.5 Microsoft Azure Cloud Deployment).
- Added support for additional read-only database server instances for improved availability, performance and scalability.
- Added support for Memcached and Redis cache servers for improved multi-server deployment.
- Added/improved support for Memcached, Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, DB2 and Oracle session handler storage.
- Added support for PHP 8.
- Added "List all" and "List paged" (default) functionality to the Search and Replace administration pages.
- Added information about number of searched and replaced texts and content items to the ("List all") searched and replaced confirmation page.
- Added an "Export" button for CSV format export of the listed content items columns/data to the search and replace pages.
- Added "First Published" and "First Published By" data for (new) content items.
- Added "First Published" and "First Published By" input fields for existing content items for website administrators with "administrator" access permissions.
- Added "Workflow" and "Comments" input fields to the Content, Media and Ecommerce Products index administration pages' "Publish" pop-up menus in addition to the "Move" and "Copy" pop-up menus.
- Added "List all" and "List paged" (default) functionality for each of the Personal Workspace page's content sections.
- Added "action buttons" for each of the Personal Workspace page's content sections (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Index Pages / Personal Workspace Sections: |Projects projects |Comments comments |Content checkedout checkedoutactions updated updatedactions created createdactions expired expiredactions workflowactions).
- Improved check links functionality with checking of IMG SRC tags/attributes and checking of links content generated by special codes.
- Added custom colours configuration for content compare functionality (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Content Editor / Content Compare).
- Added support for new "WEEKDAY", "DAY" and "MONTH" parameters for @@@DATETIME:format=.....@@@ special codes for fully customisable date formats. For example:
@@@published:format=WEEKDAY[Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat], DAY[1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th|7th|8th|9th|10th|11th|12th|13th|14th|15th|16th|17th|18th|19th|20th|21st|22nd|23rd|24th|25th|26th|27th|28th|29th|30th|31st] MONTH[Jan.|Feb.|Mar.|Apr.|May|June|July|Aug.|Sept.|Oct.|Nov.|Dec.] %Y %H:%M@@@.
- Added optional removal of image properties and personal information metadata from uploaded JPEG and PNG images (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / File Upload / Remove image properties and personal information).
If "manual" removal of image properties is configured then an additional "Remove image properties" checkbox is added on the Media / Images / ..... administration pages' "Save" drop-down menu.
- Improved checking for existing filenames for Media / Images / ..... administration pages.
- Improved server-side handling of invalid special characters (: * ? # & @ " < > |) in uploaded image/file filenames.
- Added access restrictions for "Email" functionality (Configuration / Features / Access Restrictions / User Administration Send Email Access Restrictions).
- Added support for automatic deletion of "archived", "expired"/"unpublished" and "published" content items after a given period of time (Configuration / Features / Archiving / Deletion).
- Extended headless WCMS REST API (Programming API Guide / 10 Headless REST API):
- Added "experience", "metadata", "usagelog", "workflowactions" and "workflowprograms" data.
- Added "openid", "facebook", "google" and "credentials" attributes for (GET) "login" data.
- Added "_platform", "superadmin", "*_license", "_administrator_license_restriction", "_administrator_count", "_request_localname", "config_*", "_content_metainfo", "_content_productinfo", "database_xml_*", "_import_website_options", "_wizard", "_database" and "_database_import" attributes for "config" data.
- Added "first_published", "first_published_by", "archived", "scheduled", "bytesize", "filesize", "imagesize", "metainfo_*", "metainfos", "page_top_title", "page_up_title", "page_previous_title", "page_next_title", "page_first_title", "page_last_title", "status_text", "status_icon", "status_user", "workflowactionsoptions", "workflowactions", "product_currency_symbol", "product_info_*", "product_infos" and "_create" attributes for "content" data.
- Added "pages", "elements", "templates", "stylesheets", "scripts", "images", "files", "links" and "products" attributes for "contentbundles" and "contentpackages" data.
- Added "databasename" query parameters for "data" data.
- Added "_adminpage" attribute for "data" data.
- Added "titleid", "titlename", "titlecolumn", "indexcolumns", "columns" and "namedcolumns" attributes for "databases" data.
- Added "client_config_personal_license", "client_config_professional_license", "client_config_enterprise_license", "client_config_hosting_license", "client_config_ecommerce_license", "client_config_community_license", "client_config_databases_license", "client_config_statistics_license", "client_config_experience_license", "client_config_collaboration_license", "client_config_superadmin", "client_config_superadmin_password", "client_config_superadmin_email" attributes for "hosting" data.
- Added "_decimals" and "_grouping" attributes for "sales/summary" data.
- Added "count", "oldest_detailed", "oldest_summarised" and "newest_summarised" attributes for "usage" data.
- Added "clienthostNameLink", "clienthostVariant", "visitorNameLink" and "visitorVariant" attributes for "usage/*contents*" data.
- Added "pageName" and "content" attributes for "usage/dataitem" data.
- Added "pageFromNameLink", "pageToNameLink" and "pageNameLink" attributes for "usage/paths" data.
- Added "refererNameLink" attribute for "usage/referers" data.
- Added "clienthostNameLink", "visitorId", "visitorNameLink", "visitId", "visitNameLink", "userNameLink" and "pageNameLink" attributes for "usage/visit" data.
- Added "clienthostId", "visitorId" and "visitId" attributes for "usage/visits" data.
- Added "userclass", "statistics_reports", "sales_reports", "shopcart", "wishlist", "failed", "locked", "userslog", "user", "creator", "editor", "publisher", "administrator", "orderadministrator", "salesadministrator", "databasesadministrator", "experienceadministrator", "useradministrator", "emailadministrator", "usageadministrator", "configadministrator" and "superadmin" attributes for "user" data.
- Added "userinfos" and "userslog" attributes for "users" data.
- Added "supergroups", "subgroups", "subscribers_group" and "subscribers_type" attributes for "usergroups" data.
- Added "supertypes", "subtypes", "subscribers_group" and "subscribers_type" attributes for "usertypes" data.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v12.0.
- Fixed shortening of image src URLs.
- Improved web editor input focus on image selection.
- Improved selection handling (MSIE).
- Added special configuration setting for checking the web editor content for prohibited characters (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Asbru Web Editor / Custom Javascript Functions: webeditor.checkCharacters = '∈∋⊆⊇⊂⊃∪∩∧∨¬⇒⇔∀∃∠⊥⌒∂∇≡≒≪≫√∽∝∵∫∬∮∑∟⊿Å?♯♭♪??¶〝〟'"¦';).
- Various other improvements.
9th July 2021Asbru Web Content Management v11.2.6 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11.2.6 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved client-side special character cleaning of file upload filenames (*?#&@\"<>|).
- Added server-side special character cleaning of file upload filenames (*?#&@\"<>|).
- Improved handling of duplicate filenames.
- Fixed handling of special characters in usernames.
- Added experimental integrated WCMS and REST API login (config.static.xxx: Login.RESTAPI).
- Improved naming of file uploads.
- Fixed handling of Add New copy of "unpublished" content item.
- Improved preview handling of HTML Header data.
- Fixed file locking issue (JSP).
- Fixed paged display of last item.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v12.0.0:
- Fixed shortening of image src URLs.
- Improved web editor input focus on image selection.
- Improved selection handling (MSIE).
- Added special configuration setting for checking the web editor content for prohibited characters
(for example: webeditor.checkCharacters = '∈∋⊆⊇⊂⊃∪∩∧∨¬⇒⇔∀∃∠⊥⌒∂∇≡≒≪≫√∽∝∵∫∬∮∑∟⊿Å?♯♭♪??¶〝〟'"¦';).
- Various other improvements.
5th May 2021Asbru Web Content Management v11.2.5 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11.2.5 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added email confirmation/notification support for multipart/form-data posted form inputs.
- Fixed unescaping of email notifications (NET).
- Fixed email confirmation/notification unescaping.
- Added support for @@@include:.....@@@ and @@@list:.....@@@ in orderitem.
- Fixed @@@list:database=.....@@@ handling of colum names starting with number.
- Fixed non-creation of orderitems if no order id.
- Added @@@order_id@@@ etc. support on order completed page.
- Added shopcart "complete" database error handling.
- Added "@@@shopcart_error@@@" special code.
- Fixed stylesheet leading blank line.
- Fixed website user login redirection to "/".
- Fixed login error (PHP).
- Fixed Password Expired handling of password reuse.
- Added password requirements enforcement for expired user password.
- Fixed double-registration of failed login.
- Cleaned up image/file db/logdb handling.
- Removed expansion of relative URLs for extensions.
- Fixed OTP login handling of failed logins.
- Fixed content administration page error (PHP).
- Fixed content update log error.
- Fixed scheduled publish workflow email notification to publishers.
- Added Add New content selector 'no permission' message.
- Fixed content handling of Add New without selection of content item.
- Fixed content administration index Add New default option.
- Fixed Add New selector pop-up window options.
- Fixed handling of Add New options (MSIE).
- Fixed Add New content items from configured Add New group/type.
- Fixed Move Workflow publishing.
- Fixed livegrid paging handling of window resize.
- Fixed menu item links handling of Advanced Search status+version parameters.
- Improved user access restrictions handling of no database connection.
- Fixed workspace projects count database query error.
- Improved check links to also check for product/image/file/link hrefs being "published".
- Improved check links to display "published" status details.
- Fixed content administration page compare published date/username.
- Fixed stylesheet validation leading blank line.
- Fixed scheduled preview handling of non-content/summary attributes.
- Added experimental MSIE11 support for webp images (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php: Content.WEBP = true).
- Added drag-drop file upload support for UTF-8 multi-byte characters (JSP).
- Added drag-drop file upload error messages.
- Fixed drag-drop filename appending.
- Fixed filename handling of single-file drag-and-drop.
- Fixed media update drag-drop redirection from search.
- Fixed crash drag-and-drop handling of very large files by skipping validatecontent (Chrome).
- Improved handling of blank title file upload.
- Fixed content databases index menu handling.
- Fixed content databases data administration index handling of session data for multi-tab/window administration windows.
- Added data support for both "pagesize" and "page_size" parameters.
- Added support for "_checkboxes_" special HTML FORM INPUT to define checkboxes to be cleared if absent.
- Fixed data REST API to not clear checkbox data if absent (must explicitly be set to blank to be cleared).
- Fixed REST API data output of all columns as default.
- Fixed handling of backslash and SQL query wildcard characters in username.
- Fixed Base32 handling for older versions of Apache Commons Codec which may not handle lower-case characters (JSP).
- Fixed personal website administrator settings save after invalid password validation.
- Fixed Usage Statistics menu handling of parent-child groups/types.
- Added enable/disable administrator preferences for personal website administrator settings (Configuration / Features / User Preferences).
- Added support for allowed email recipients * and @ to match "ends with" (Configuration / System / Website / Email & Forms / Email addresses (additional permitted email addresses)).
- Fixed display of delegated user groups/types configuration menu items.
- Removed workflows configuration from non-superadmin configuration menu.
- Fixed content database configuration handling of empty number inputs.
- Fixed export to static files filename handling of multi-dotted filenames.
- Added special configuration setting for v11.0 and older style Add New options (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php: "content_addnew_options" = "yes").
- Added debug output timestamp special configuration option (/config.static.jsp: Common.DEBUG_timestamp = true) (JSP).
- Added debug DB.DEBUGCONNECTION special configuration option (/config.static.jsp: DEBUGCONNECTION = true) (JSP).
- Added debug DB.DEBUGCONNECTNULL special configuration option (/config.static.jsp: DEBUGCONNECTNULL = true) (JSP).
- Fixed various REST API issues.
- Removed failing, duplicate (already not null indexed) database index (Oracle).
- Fixed data type (Oracle).
- Fixed use of deprecated db_xxxxx methods (PHP).
- Re-added Java 9+ deprecated DB.finalize method with added ERROR:DEPRECATED error log message. (JSP)
- Fixed DB.getDB method to not clear cache/config.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v11.2.5
- Fixed font dropdown handling of no/empty selection.
- Fixed font dropdown display.
- Added workaround for font size query (Firefox) (Chrome).
- Fixed handling of quoted font name attribute values (Chrome).
- Fixed toolbar focus of input field.
- Fixed view source handling of toolbar refresh (Chrome/MSIE).
- Fixed image selection handling (MSIE11).
- Improved selection handling (Chrome).
- Added workaround for handling/deletion of INPUT 'checked="checked"' attributes (MSIE 11).
- Fixed handling of "<br>" on enter (Chrome).
- Fixed web editor preview from "View HTML" mode (Chrome).
- Added experimental support for webp images (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Asbru Web Editor
/ Custom Javascript Functions: webeditor.webp = true;) (MSIE 11).
- Improved Insert Hyperlink/Media/Selector handling of sub-groups/types.
- Fixed file/hyperlink/media selector handling of "non-directory directories".
- Fixed popup windows for webeditor page opened from different domain.
- Fixed file selector popup windows for webeditor page opened from different domain.
- Various other improvements.
20th April 2020Asbru Web Content Management v11.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added "headless" REST API for website content access (/rest/).
- Added "headless" REST API for web content management system administration (/webadmin/rest/).
- Added Insert Media and Insert Hyperlink search functionality.
- Added Insert Media and Insert Hyperlink web content management system programming API for use of external Digital Asset Management and media storage services (/webadmin/api/media.xxx).
- Upgraded website content builder.
- Added workaround for fileupload handling of large files as "blob:" instead of "data:" (Firefox).
- Added content search view "imagesize" attribute.
- Added recursive inheritance of user parent/sub groups/types for additional usergroups/types.
- Added REST API access restrictions (Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / REST API Access Restritions).
- Added database import and restore backup sizes (Configuration / System / Database / Initialise & Import + Add-On Modules + Website Designs + Restore Backup).
- Added delegated, partial configuration section access (Configuration / Features / Access Restrictions / Configuration Access Restrictions) (was: Configuration / Features / Access Restrictions / Project Assets Configuration Access Restrictions).
- Website administrator login with Configuration Access Restrictions gives access to the Configuration section and many (but not all) of its menu items and configuration pages.
- Added LDAP Directory Server use of WCMS user database data (Configuration / Features / User Database / Directory Server / Enable ~ Disable WCMS User Database Data).
- LDAP Directory Server login is used for username/password login authentication and LDAP Directory Server configured user data attributes are used for user details. Other user account data attributes, which are not configured as LDAP Directory Server user data attributes, are used from the internal web content management system user database. For example, username, password, email, name and organisation can be managed in the LDAP Directory Server while other web content management system user data are managed in the internal web content management system user database.
- Added login to both LDAP Directory Server and internal web content management system user database (Configuration / Features / User Database / Directory Server / Enable ~ Disable WCMS User Database Login).
- User accounts (usernames) in the LDAP Directory Server require LDAP Directory Server. User accounts (usernames) only in the internal web content management system user database can login using their login details in the internal web content management system user database. For example, website administrator can be managed in the LDAP Directory Server while registered website users are managed in the internal web content management system user database.
- Added LDAP Directory Server user data support for additional user groups/types attribute (Configuration / Features / User Database / Directory Server / User Categories / Additional Groups + Types).
- Added LDAP Directory Server user data support for skin, toolbar, format options, font name options, font size options, custom Javascript options, start page, hide administration sections and menus, personal workspace projects, personal workspace comments, website content search, website content advanced search, website content search and replace, sales reports (Configuration / Features / User Database / Directory Server /.....).
- Rearchitected PHP version to match Java/JSP and .NET versions of web content management system architecture.
Note: Existing PHP custom extensions and custom modules may need to be updated if they access web content management system programming classes and methods.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v11.2.
- Improved selection handling (Chrome/Safari). - Improved keyboard handling (Safari). - Improved toolbar handling for image resizing. - Improved DOM Inspector HTML tag selection. - Improved Clean Content functionality. - Improved HTML content handling. - Fixed Insert Hyperlink on image issue. - Fixed Insert Image map issue.
- - Various other improvements.
30th March 2020Asbru Web Content Management v11.1.4 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11.1.4 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved detection of HTTPS behind firewall/proxy server.
- Fixed handling of commas in download filenames.
- Fixed handling of malformed visitorid cookie.
- Improved jQuery SlideTabs "width" handling.
- Improved status display for expired content items.
- Improved handling of scheduled expire.
- Fixed preservation of trailing linebreak in posted HTML FORM data (JSP).
- Added support for @@@cookie:...:samesite=None|Lax|Strict:...@@@.
- Fixed workflow change from administration index for administrator without update permissions.
- Fixed disabling of Add New blank option.
- Added appending of uploaded filenames to entered server filename for multi-fileupload.
- Added workaround for "data:" handling error/crash (Firefox).
- Improved handling of multi-fileupload to non-folder filename.
- Fixed filename handling for upload of "index.html file.
- Added support for configuration of leading blank/linebreak options for content databases select/checkbox/radio options.
- Added preservation of existing "invalid" content databases select/checkbox/radio options.
- Improved content database import of invalid data file.
- Improved content database administration handing of web content editor inputs.
- Fixed handling of non-existing HTML/text content database inputs.
- Fixed content databases data attribute deletion and reordering.
- Added inheritance of user parent/sub groups/types for additional usergroups/types
- Added inheritance of user parent/sub groups/types for LDAP directory usergroups/types
- Added recursive inheritance of user parent/sub groups/types
- Fixed handling of add new user access restrictions.
- Fixed renaming of blank group/type and other categories.
- Fixed handling of custom website settings.
- Improved content database query performance.
- Improved database connection handling.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.4
- Added workaround for triple-click content selection (Chrome).
- Fixed justify (Chrome).
- Fixed formatblock handling of empty content (Chrome).
- Fixed webeditor popup overlays on web pages opened by other websites/domains.
- Various other improvements.
14th October 2019Asbru Web Content Management v11.1.3 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11.1.3 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved user login session handling for access restricted embedded images etc.
- Fixed AMP id XSS.
- Fixed handling of scheduled publish date/time for automatic workflow publishing.
- Fixed handling of workflow actions for move multiple content items.
- Added workaround for "find on page" broken tabs display (MSIE).
- Fixed display of left-hand menus (MSIE).
- Fixed Add New selector pop-up handling of groups/types for different content classes.
- Fixed Add New pop-up selector handling of special characters inn group/type names.
- Fixed handling of blank "selector_page_limit" special configuration setting to be unlimited.
- Fixed Add New selector pop-up timing issue (MSIE).
- Added "/webadmin/webeditors/textarea/webeditor.aspx|jsp|php" special configuration functionality to detect/encode 3/4 byte UTF characters in text format content for MySQL database versions/configurations without support for 3/4 byte UTF characters.
- Improved content dependency checking of external links with id/stylesheet/template parameters.
- Improved Content Schema date/time handling.
- Fixed display of "null" title for blank content items.
- Improved Content Builder createlink.
- Improved Content Builder capitalisation and styles consistency.
- Fixed Content Builder content block tools (MSIE).
- Fixed @@@webeditor:.....:builder=yes:.....@@@ pop-up windows.
- Fixed multi-file upload (.NET).
- Fixed user group/type access restrictions (PHP).
- Fixed usage logging of requests for multiple scripts and style sheets.
- Fixed WCM Cache system check handling of no database.
- Fixed handling of changed publish to dynamic ~ static file settings.
- Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.3
- Added support for iOS 13.
- Added DOM Inspector display of attributes for parent/ancestor tags (on mouse over).
- Improved handling of font family/size.
- Improved text selection handling.
- Fixed image selection handling.
- Various other improvements.
5th August 2019Asbru Web Content Management v11.1.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11.1.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added automatic forced/override use of HTML5 DOCTYPE for AMP format content.
- Added support for Advanced Scripting / HTML HEAD Code STYLE tags for AMP output.
- Removed "default_http_equiv_content_type" special configuration setting META http-equiv="Content-Type" tag output for AMP format content.
- Fixed canonical link for AMP format content default/index pages.
- Fixed output of "xxx:xxx" named HTML tag attributes.
- Fixed handling of time relations in special codes (PHP).
- Added Cancel and Send/Resend one-time password links for password/OTP WCMS admin login (if OTP secret configured for entered username).
- Disabled input focus on search pages.
- Fixed Browse & Edit mode saving of @@@title@@@ content.
- Fixed Browse & Edit mode handling of editable @@@title@@@ inside editable @@@content@@@.
- Fixed Browse & Edit mode XSS issue.
- Fixed deletion of archived content items.
- Fixed deletion of content item in workflow.
- Fixed unpublishing of content item in workflow.
- Fixed database query handling of "archiveid". (Oracle).
- Fixed database query handling of empty user group/type (Oracle).
- Replaced Add New select-options with pop-up content selector for improved handling of very large numbers of content items.
- Improved administration page stylesheets ids check for administration servers behind firewall/proxy/load-balancer.
- Improved support for @@@contentschema@@@ special codes.
- Improved handling of nested @@@condition:.....@@@ and @@@count:.....@@@ and @@@include:.....@@@ special codes.
- Fixed web content editor encoding of HTML comments etc. for content validation and Save / Add New.
- Added Content Schema Article Page (mainEntityOfPage) attribute.
- Added support for Content Schema custom attributes for pre-defined content types.
- Added confirmation for change from custom content type to pre-defined content type.
- Added date/time format placeholders for Content Schema date/time inputs.
- Changed Content Schema Video Page Content URL and File Embed URL selectors to content items of any class.
- Fixed international local timezone handling of Content Schema date/time inputs.
- Added support for multiple values (seprated by commas) for Content Schema Contact Area Served and Available Language.
- Added drag & drop multi-file upload for Add New image/file.
- Improved performance of drag & drop file upload (if FormData AJAX file upload supported by web browser version).
- Improved performance of edited image file upload (if FormData AJAX file upload supported by web browser version).
- Fixed handling edited image (MSIE).
- Added custom content database administration page support for @@@condition:.....@@@ and @@@extension:.....@@@ special codes.
- Fixed integrated content database data administration page handling of view-only permissions.
- Fixed linebreak handling in content database html/text data.
- Replaced Add New select-options with pop-up data selector for improved handling of very large numbers of data.
- Replaced Add New select-options with pop-up user selector for improved handling of very large numbers of user accounts.
- Added HardCore.Page.include_parse_all = false; special configuration setting.
- Added language files localisation settings for Content Schema Review Type options.
- Fixed missing database creation indexes (Oracle).
- Added Configuration / System / System / WCM Cache information and Clear Cache functionality.
- Added support for "response.setBufferSize(99999);" special configuration for automatic output of HTTP Content-Length header (JSP).
- Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.2
- Added HTML entity encoding of UTF 3/4-byte characters (in addition to existing HTML entity encoding of unknown UTF 2-byte characters).
- Fixed web editor handling of href/src URLs.
- Added special configuration settings to only HTML entity encode UTF 3/4-byte characters (webeditor.encodeUnknownCharCodes = false; webeditor.encodeSurrogatePairCharCodes = true;).
- Fixed initial hiding of image resizer handles.
- Added Insert Hyperlink / Special / Login - Cancel OTP Code and Login - Send/Resend OTP Code links.
- Various other improvements.
23rd May 2019Asbru Web Content Management v11.1.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11.1.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added automatic output of AMP format for all requests matching AMP Website Domain Name or Prefix (regardless of with or without AMP URL Parameter Name and with or without matching micro-website configuration).
- Fixed default blank AMP group/type settings to be displayed as "-none-".
- Fixed AMP canonical link for products.
- Fixed AMP format output style end tag.
- Fixed output of inherited content attributes.
- Improved handling of web content management system administration login form input.
- Improved handling of web content management system administration search input.
- Added scheduled to be published/expire content items to new unpublished workspace section.
- Added delegated asset category configuration to also require administrator permissions for the delegated asset category.
- Fixed Customer Experience Management workspace columns handling (PHP).
- Fixed project and project task assets handling (PHP).
- Added "content_addnew_ignore" special configuration setting to disable add new options for specific content class/group/type combinations.
- Fixed Media Library / Files drag & drop file upload.
- Fixed Configuration / System / Website error (JSP).
- Updated Java Version system check to 1.8 (JSP).
- Added PHP version check (PHP).
- Added Administrator Guide Project Timeline section.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.1:
- Added web editor image resizing.
- Various other improvements.
30th April 2019Asbru Web Content Management v11.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added automatic AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) conversion and extension of website content for search engine optimisation and for mobile device performance.
- Added automatic addition of AMP headers to designated website content.
- Added automatic AMP versions of designated website content pages.
- Added automatic conversion of website content to AMP format.
- Added AMP format validation of website content.
- Added Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) website settings (Configuration / System / Website / Website Settings / Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)).
- Added Validate AMP option on website content (and ecommerce product) administration pages (Website Content / .... / Validate / AMP).
Note: The AMP Project Validator service does not support Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- Added Schema.org meta information options for search engine optimisation and content snippets etc. (Website Content / ..... / Meta Information / Content Schema).
- Added automatic inclusion of content schema data on website pages.
- Added "@@@contentschema@@@" special code for manual inclusion of content schema data on website pages.
- Added One-Time Password (OTP) login support for two-step and two-factor login security.
- Added email one-time codes option for One-Time Password login.
- Added Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) authenticator apps and devices option for One-Time Password login.
- Added custom program script API for One-Time Password login code generation and/or distribution through text messaging etc. ("/webadmin/api/login.jsp|jsp|php|bat|sh").
- Added one-time password code email and second-step one-time password login code page special pages for One-Time Password login (Configuration / System / Website / Special Pages / Default Login Page Code + Login Code Email).
- Added one-time password code email and second-step one-time password login code page special pages for micro-websites for One-Time Password login (Configuration / System / Micro-Websites / ..... / Special Pages / Default Login Page Code + Login Code Email).
- Added superadmin configuration One-Time Password Shared Secret option (Configuration / System / Superadmin / One-Time Password Shared Secret).
- Added differentiated one-time password login credentials options for superadmin, website administrator and website user login (Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Superadmin + Website Administrator + Website User Login / Login Credentials).
- Added users administration One-Time Password Shared Secret option (Users / ..... / User Login / One-Time Password Shared Secret).
- Added two-step web content management system administration One-Time Password login pages.
- Added web content management system administration One-Time Password login send/resend code option.
- Added web content management system administration One-Time Password login cancel option.
- Added two-step website user One-Time Password login pages.
- Website delivery and functionality
- Added non-caching of CSS style sheets with alternate Experience Management versions.
- Added non-caching of Javascript scripts with alternate Experience Management versions.
- Improved non-caching of pages and images and files with alternate Experience Management versions.
- Improved handling of website user login and email registration details.
- Removed default BODY marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" and BODY style="margin: 0px;" attributes.
- Note: If your website design relies on these, you will need to add them as website content template settings when upgrading.
- General web content management system administration
- Added content databases administration section access restrictions (in addition to existing access restrictions for content databases) (Configuration / Features / Access Restrictions / Content Databases Access Restrictions).
- Added customer experience management administration section access restrictions (in addition to existing access restrictions for customer experience management administration) (Configuration / Features / Access Restrictions / Experience Management Access Restrictions).
- Added users administration section access restrictions (in addition to existing access restrictions for users) (Configuration / Features / Access Restrictions / User Administration Access Restrictions).
- Added usage analytics administration section access restrictions (in addition to existing access restrictions for usage analytics) (Configuration / Features / Access Restrictions / Usage Analytics Access Restrictions).
- Personal Workspace
- Added tabbed Personal Workspace options (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Index Pages / Personal Workspace Sections: "|Projects projects |Comments comments |Content checkedout updated created expired workflow actions" (default)).
- Added content, image, file, link, product and user groups and types as well as content databases and users project and project task assets (Personal Workspace / ..... / Project / Project Assets) (Personal Workspace / ..... / Project Task / Project Task Assets) (Collaboration Add-On).
- Added options to display project and project task assets grouped by project or project task (Configuration / System / Collaboration / Project Management / Personal Workspace Project Assets) (Collaboration Add-On).
- Added delegated content/image/file/link/product/user groups/types configuration and content databases configuration for project/task assets (Collaboration Add-On).
- Added project/task assets configuration access restrictions (Configuration / Features / Access Restrictions / Project Assets Configuration Access Restrictions).
- Added project/task assets content, image, file, link, product and user groups and types as well as content databases configuration links (Personal Workspace / ..... / Project + Project Task Assets / ..... / Configuration).
- Website Content, Media and Ecommerce Products administration
- Added device simulators comparison preview (Content / .... / Preview / -compare-).
- Added iPhone X/XS device simulator preview (Content / .... / Preview / iPhone X/XS).
- Added Check Links checkbox option on website content (and ecommerce product) administration pages (Content / .... / Save / Check Links).
- Added automatic/manual website content check links options (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Content Editor / Check Links).
- Added inline parsing of "@@@NAME(.....)@@@" special codes for custom extensions which can output countent with other special codes.
- Added inline parsing of "@@@_extension:.....@@@" special codes for custom extensions which can output countent with other special codes.
- Added "@@@(now|created|updated|published):(second|minute|hour|day|month|year)@@@", "@@@(now|created|updated|published):(second|minute|hour|day|month|year)+XX@@@" and "@@@(now|created|updated|published):(second|minute|hour|day|month|year)-XX@@@" special codes.
- Improved filename selector performance (Content / ..... / Primary Content / Filename Select).
- Improved handling of filename special characters.
- Users administration
- Added website administrator personal details and preferences administration page (accessed through "logged in as USERNAME" link on all web content management system administration pages).
- Added hide content, image, file, link, product and user groups and types as well as databases administration menus administrator preferences options (Users / ..... / Administrator Preferences / Hide Administration Sections And Menus).
- Added View, Create, Update, Delete and Administrators users, user groups and user types access restrictions options for user groups/types (in addition to existing access restrictions for users) (Configuration / Users / Groups + Types / Access Restrictions).
- Added onetimepassword,secret,users_users,creators_users,editors_users,publishers_users,administrators_users,password_updated,onetimepassword_updated,secret_updated attributes for users export and import (Configuration / Users / Export + Import).
- Configuration
- Added and updated database connection settings.
- Added "mssql:jdbc/database", "mysql:jdbc/database", "oracle:jdbc/database", "db2:jdbc/database", "pgsql:jdbc/database" database connection options (JSP).
- Upgraded default MySQL database driver option (MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver) (NET).
- Upgraded default MySQL database driver option (mysqli) (PHP).
- Added database import/restore options to preserve database table ids (Configuration / System / Database / Initialize & Import + Restore Backup.
- Improved database import/restore performance with preservation of database table ids.
- Added Google Cloud Storage media storage option (Configuration / System / Website / Media Storage / Service + Credentials (Google)).
- Upgraded Amazon AWS S3 Storage media storage SDK with support for all new storage regions.
- Note: Amazon AWS S3 Storage now requires additional "Region" setting. This must be configured or the media storage may stop working (Configuration / System / Website / Media Storage / Region (Amazon)).
- Note: The "/webadmin/PEAR/AWSSDKforPHP/" folder can/should be deleted if upgrading from a previous version of the Asbru Web Content Management System.
- Upgraded Microsoft Azure cloud storage SDK (PHP).
- Note: The "/webadmin/PEAR/WindowsAzure/" folder can/should be deleted if upgrading from a previous version of the Asbru Web Content Management System.
- Added micro-websites configuration pre-defined user-agent web browser options (Configuration / System / Micro-Websites / Micro-Website Triggers / User Agent (Web Browser)).
- Improved, tabbed micro-websites configuration pages (Configuration / System / Micro-Websites).
- Improved, tabbed Usage Statistics configuration page (Configuration / System / Usage Statistics).
- Improved, tabbed content/image/file/link groups/types configuration pages (Configuration / Content + Images + Files + Links + Ecommerce/Products / Groups + Types).
- Technical
- Upgraded to jQuery v3.3.1 and jQuery Layout v1.4.4.
- Minimum platform system requirements upgraded to:
- JSP version:
- Java 8 or newer.
- JSP 2.2 and Servlet 3.0 or newer standards compliant Java application server such as Tomcat 7.0 or newer.
- PHP version:
- .NET version:
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1
- Added Insert Comment and Show / Hide Comments of administrative web content editing comments/notes (not to be confused with HTML Comments tags).
- Added automatic setting of image width and height attributes default values.
- Improved window drop-down menus scroll handling.
- Improved content selection handling (Chrome/Safari).
- Improved handling of "junk" content (MSIE 11).
- Improved "unlink" (MSIE 11).
- - Various other improvements.
4th January 2019Asbru Web Content Management v11.0.3 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v11.0.3 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added handling/ignoring of non-http/https protocol links.
- Added display of errors for duplicate links across multiple content items.
- Added static filename link adjustment of trailing "/".
- Added error message for trying to update a content item with multiple files.
- Disabled multi-file upload on "update" page.
- Improved/fixed handling of dropdown stylesheet.
- Fixed Show More Comments.
- Fixed comments error (.NET).
- Fixed dummy-workflow-enabled publish from index.
- Fixed handling of create user template groups/types.
- Fixed not loaded/inited message.
- Fixed handling of fileupload parameters UTF-8 characters.
- Fixed character encoding handling.
- Disabled double-click save for users administration.
- Added merging of content and template HTML and HEAD attributes.
- Added support for single-quoted HTML and HEAD and BODY attributes.
- Added merging of single-quoted HTML attributes.
- Fixed handling of HTML BODY value-less attributes.
- Added @@@webeditor:.....@@@ support for administrator preferences.
- Added parsing of @@@now|created|updated|published:.....@@@ special codes before other special codes with parameters.
- Fixed @@@list:.....@@@ "<" and "<=" handling of NULL database values.
- Fixed @@@list:.....@@@ "<" and "<=" and ">" and ">=" handling of NULL database values for "number" and "text" attributes.
- Fixed @@@condition:.....@@@ handling of date/time comparison.
- Fixed output of CAPTCHA error after @@@captcha@@@.
- Added support for content databases "plain text (searchable)" custom max size.
- Added support for content databases "number" custom precision.
- Added "varchar_maxsize" special configuration option for content databases varchar attribute maxsize.
- Improved handling of blank content database datetime data to be output as blank.
- Fixed handling of blank content database "number" attribute value.
- Fixed content databases "number" custom precision.
- Added Response.FileExpires file/image cookie expiration special configuration setting.
- Improved image/file handling of HTTP If-Modified-Since.
- Added example "email_confirmation_ids" and "email_notification_ids" special configuration settings.
- Removed access restrictions check for configured email confirmation emails.
- Added jQuery v1.12.4 / jQuery UI v.1.12.1.
- Added additional folder/file operation error messages.
- Fixed Oracle data types and casting and "resource" column name.
- Fixed Oracle database upgrade.
- Fixed DB2 database upgrade.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v11.0.3:
- Added webeditor special configuration to also extract non-generic stylesheet class names.
- Added additional debugging output.
- Disabled reload of "empty"/stylesheet on initTimeout.
- Various other improvements.

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