Personal Edition
Single-user system for one webmaster to create and manage a small website.
Please click on the links below for more information about the features of the Personal Edition and see the Asbru Web Content Management system User Guide for full details.
- 100% Browser-based website administration.
- One Website Administrator with access to all content.
- Website Administration Toolbar for full & easy access to all functionality.
- Browse & Edit your website directly.
- Enable/disable individual website administration features.
- Context Sensitive Help.
- New Rebrand the system with your own company name and logo.
- What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editing of your content.
- Editing & formatting content in the powerful WYSIWYG editor.
- Insert content such as images, Flash Animations, Java Applets, links and downloadable files.
- Copy/Cut & Paste and Drag & Drop content.
- CSS Style Sheet formatting of your content.
- Spell Checking in 44+ languages.
- Import & Clean content from Microsoft Word.
- Table, row, column & cell insertion, deletion and editing.
- Form, form buttons and form input fields insertion and editing.
- Plain Mode, which displays the content with table, image and form guidelines.
- DOM Inspector, which displays HTML tags when you are editing in WYSIWYG mode.
- Raw HTML mode for unlimited HTML and JavaScript programming flexibility.
- Customize the web content editor.
- Website Content Templates to get you started quickly.
- Graphic Design Templates - 150+ Designs to choose from.
- Graphic Design Styles - Support for CSS Style Sheets.
- Default Templates & Style Sheets with website-wide effect.
- Different Templates & Style Sheets for various sections of your website.
- Create, update and delete primary content in Content Pages.
- Create reusable modular Content Elements to insert into Pages and Templates.
- Automatic random content rotation to give your website more diversity.
- Media Library with access to manage media content.
- Define image & file formats allowed to be uploaded to your website.
- Website Search functionality to enable visitors to search your website.
- Contact Forms to receive e-mails from website visitors.
- Guestbook to receive feedback from website visitors.
- Meta Information for search engine support and search engine ranking optimisation.
- New Dublin Core Metadata and other custom meta information.
- User Database for managing registered website visitors.
- Public/Restricted website content or content sections.
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) login for access to manage content.
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) login for access to restricted areas of your website.
- E-mail monitoring of web content management system login attempts.
- User friendly static website addresses (URLs) / filenames for published pages.
- Search engine friendly website addresses (URLs) with URL-Rewriting.
- Custom / Third-Party Add-On Modules.
- Custom / Third-Party Extensions to include External Content on Your Website.
- New Custom template/script programming API.
Free online support.
Free and easy access to software updates.
Add-on Modules available for this edition.
- Small Business Edition, Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition & Hosting Edition upgrade.

Asbru Web Content Management v12.2.2 available now. (.NET, PHP and JSP/Java versions). Personal, Small Business, Professional and Hosting Edition web content management software for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Unix.
Asbru E-Commerce, Community, Databases and Statistics Add-On modules v12.2.2 available now. (.NET, PHP and JSP/Java versions). E-Commerce, Community, Databases and Statistics Add-On modules for the Asbru Web Content Management system software.
Asbru Website Manager v11.1.3 available now. (ASP and PHP versions). Ready to use and easy to use, cross-browser
and cross-platform website manager software for updating your website pages using only your web browser.
Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.3 available now. (ASP, .NET, ColdFusion, PHP and JSP/Java versions).
Cross-browser and cross-platform WYSIWYG HTML editor for Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Mozilla, Netscape and Safari on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Unix.
Affiliates & Partners Volume discounts
available to end-users, web designers, web developers, web hosting
providers, system integrators, software vendors and resellers. Please Contact Us.