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Asbru Web Content Management Supports Mac OS X Safari

London, United Kingdom, March 27, 2006 -- Asbru Software, a provider of out-of-the-box Content Management Solutions has announced an update to its Asbru Web Content Management system.

As one of the first content management systems the latest release of Asbru Web Content Management features support for the Safari web browser without the need for plug-ins. This means that users can now update their websites from any Safari web browser from anywhere in the world.

So far content management through the Asbru Web Content Management system has been available through Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. With the latest release of the system the full set of features of the Asbru Web Content Management system including advanced WYSIWYG editing, collaboration, multi-lingual content administration and content staging is now available to all Safari (2.0.3+), Internet Explorer (4.0+) and Mozilla Firefox (0.7+) users.

The support for Safari has been made possible through the latest advancements in Safari's support for the contentEditable/designMode technology. Asbru builds on this technology and extends it significantly to provide a full-featured web content management system.

The announcement of Safari support follows hot on the heels of a major upgrade of the web content management system with many new features and usability improvements for the core web content management system as well as added flexibility for developers.

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Asbru Web Content Management v12.2.2 available now.
(.NET, PHP and JSP/Java versions).
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Asbru E-Commerce, Community, Databases and Statistics Add-On modules v12.2.2 available now.
(.NET, PHP and JSP/Java versions).
E-Commerce, Community, Databases and Statistics Add-On modules for the Asbru Web Content Management system software.

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(ASP and PHP versions).
Ready to use and easy to use, cross-browser and cross-platform website manager software for updating your website pages using only your web browser.

Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.3 available now.
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Cross-browser and cross-platform WYSIWYG HTML editor for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape and Safari on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Unix.

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