What's New
15th June 2015Asbru Web Content Management v9.2.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.2.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved handling of database connection string configuration files.
- Removed incorrect superadmin login log error message.
- Fixed tab content resizing after editing images.
- Fixed saving of edited images.
- Improved administration index sorting of "stylesheet", "page top" and "page up" columns.
- Improved administration index display and handling of blank "page up" relations for non-blank "page top" relations.
- Improved handling of search and replaced HTML FORM parameters.
- Fixed workflow actions for added new content items.
- Fixed handling of existing filenames.
- Fixed handling of elements for versioned templates.
- Fixed rescheduling of expired content items issue.
- Fixed scheduled publishing handling of files issues.
- Various other improvements.
11th May 2015Asbru Web Content Management v9.2.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.2.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved administration pages layout for smaller (1024x768) resolution screens.
- Changed image/file download suggested filename to image/file title.
- Improved image/file MIME type handling (.NET).
- Improved handling of invalid login URLs.
- Added sorting for template and page relations columns on content and media administration index and search pages.
- Added sorting for created by, updated by, closed by and currency columns on order administration index pages.
- Fixed content selector issue for "HTML TEXTAREA" content editor mode.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2.1:
- Improved Insert Hyperlink and Insert Media functionality for Apple iOS.
- Added spell checking support for web browsers with "X-XSS-Protection" protection enabled.
- Fixed spell checking issue.
- Fixed caret/cursor input focus after Show HTML.
- Fixed Find issue (Chrome/Safari/MSIE11).
- Fixed bold/italic/superscript/subscript/strikethrough handling of other styling (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
6th April 2015Asbru Web Content Management v9.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved, leaner web content management administration user interface.
- Added support for Microsoft Azure website cloud deployment and media storage.
- Added "recycle bin" functionality for deleted content items.
- Added additional @@@list:.....@@@ special codes for advanced variable, multi-column website content layouts.
- Improved support for Apple iPad/iPhone and iOS 8 and iPhone 6 and 6 Plus simulators.
- Added mouse movement, page fold and page reach, and Experience Management user segments and user tests data for website page heat maps.
- Added Experience Management user segments and user tests data for sales reports.
- Improved website import of existing website pages, images and files.
- Added special codes for advanced, programmed handling of Experience Management user segments and user tests.
- General
- Improved web content management administration user interface header and toolbar section.
- Improved web content management administration user interface action buttons and status information icons.
- Added cancel/close buttons (X) for administration pages to return to index pages.
- Added separated Home/Welcome and Personal Workspace administration pages.
- Added Microsoft Azure website cloud deployment.
- Added modal pop-up windows for iPad/iPhone.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.1.7.
- Added support for Apple iOS 8.
- Website
- Added login: invalid ~ unauthorized ~ pending ~ expired special codes for "/login.jsp|jsp|php" login pages.
- Added password expired website functionality for users (/password/expired.jsp|jsp|php).
- Improved user registration handling of duplicate user details.
- Added website search functionality for product code, price, weight, width, height, depth, volume, brand, colour, size attributes.
- Home
- Added login invalid~unauthorized~pending~expired error messages.
- Added personalised web content administration start page for website administrators.
- Browse & Edit
- Improved Browse & Edit mode user interface header and toolbar section.
- Personal Workspace
- Added separate, configurable Home and Workspace web content administration sections.
- Website Content, Media Library, Ecommerce Products
- Added Website Content + Media Library + Ecommerce Products / ... / Status / Deleted left-hand menu items.
- Added Website Content + Media Library + Ecommerce Products / ... / Usage Statistics tab.
- Added Website Content + Media Library + Ecommerce Products / ... / Content Version / Device / Devices: "Device" common for all phone/tablet devices.
- Added Website Content + Media Library + Ecommerce Products / ... / Content Version / Device / Operating Systems: various Android ~ iOS ~ Mac ~ Windows.
- Added Website Content + Media Library + Ecommerce Products / ... / Delete / Unpublish selected.
- Added Website Content + Media Library + Ecommerce Products / Advanced Search / Status: Deleted.
- Added Website Content + Media Library + Ecommerce Products / Search of product code, price, weight, width, height, depth, volume, brand, colour, size attributes.
- Improved Website Content + Media Library + Ecommerce Products / Basic Search handling of previously selected search filters.
- Added handling of plain "text" content format for sent emails and confirmations and notifications.
- Website Content, Ecommerce Products
- Added Website Content + Ecommerce Products / ... / Compare / Advanced Scripting.
- Added Website Content + Ecommerce Products / ... / Preview / iPhone 6 + iPhone 6 Plus.
- Added Website Content + Ecommerce Products / ... / Primary Content / Content Delivery: Default ~ Dynamic ~ Static.
- Added Website Content + Ecommerce Products / ... / Content Presentation / Style Sheet ordering.
- Added Website Content + Ecommerce Products / ... / Advanced Scripting / Scripts ordering.
- Added Website Content + Ecommerce Products / ... / Advanced Scripting / HTML HEAD attributes.
- Website Content
- Added Website Content / Templates / Group + Type + Version + Status left-hand menu items.
- Added Website Content / Style Sheets / Group + Type + Version + Status left-hand menu items.
- Added Website Content / Scripts / Group + Type + Version + Status left-hand menu items.
- Added Website Content / Templates / ... / Content Categories / Group + Type.
- Added Website Content / Style Sheets / ... / Content Categories / Group + Type.
- Added Website Content / Scripts / ... / Content Categories / Group + Type.
- Media Library
- Added Media Library / ... / Primary Content / Content Delivery: Default ~ Indirect ~ Redirect.
- Ecommerce
- Added Ecommerce / Products / ... / Sales Statistics tab
- Added Ecommerce / Sales / ... / User Segments + User Tests data.
- Added @@@shipping_options@@@ special codes for website customer selectable shipping options.
- Content Databases
- Added plain text (varchar) Content Databases attribute type.
- Added Databases / Content / ... / descriptions (if configured).
- Experience Management
- Added Experience Management / Segments / Clear User Segment Data.
- Added Experience Management / User Tests / Clear User Test Data.
- Added Experience Management / Heat Maps / View: All ~ Click ~ Mouse ~ Fold ~ Reach ~ Click,Fold ~ Click,Reach ~ Click,Mouse ~ Mouse,Fold ~ Mouse,Reach ~ Fold,Reach ~ Click,Fold,Reach ~ Click,Mouse,Fold ~ Click,Mouse,Reach ~ Mouse,Fold,Reach data.
- Added Experience Management / Heat Maps / View: Segment: ... User Test: ... data.
- Added Experience Management / Heat Maps / Heatmap: Off ~ Click ~ Mouse ~ Fold ~ Reach ~ Click,Fold ~ Click,Reach ~ Mouse,Fold ~ Mouse,Reach data.
- Users Database
- Added Users / Email / display of eventual email errors.
- Added Users / Administrators / ... / Administrator Preferences / Start Page: -default- ~ Home ~ Browse & Edit ~ Personal Workspace ~ Experience Management ~ Segments ~ User Tests ~ Usage Analytics.
- Added Users / ... / User Login / Username support for international and special characters.
- Added SHA512 hashing of user passwords as default (/config.static.aspx|jsp|php User.DIGEST special configuration option to disable).
- Added separate tracking of when user password was last updated.
- Configuration
- Improved website import of existing website pages.
- Added Configuration / System / System installation and configuration information page.
- Added Configuration / System / Database / Database Connection / Microsoft SQL Server / mssql:sqlsrv://username:password@localhost/database.
- Added Configuration / System / Database / Import Media / Import Website / Keep ~ Backup ~ Delete old website page, style sheet and script files.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Security Settings / Expire website user passwords after ### days.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Special Pages / Expired password page.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Special Settings / Style sheet web addresses: indirect ~ direct ~ inline.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Special Settings / Script web addresses: indirect ~ direct ~ inline.
- Added Configuration / System / Website / Media Storage / Cloud Storage / Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
- Added Azure cloud storage API program scripts (/webadmin/api/copy+delete+download+exists+move+upload).
- Added Configuration / Features / Archiving / Delete content items immediately ~ after ### days.
- Added Configuration / Features / Content Editing / File Upload / Image Upload Limits + File Upload Limits.
- Added Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Index Pages / Administration Home Sections + Personal Workspace Sections.
- Added Configuration / Databases / ... / Database Content / Content / Description.
- Added Configuration / Databases / ... / Database Content / Content / Add New: Plain text (searchable) (technically: varchar, size limited by database server).
- Added Configuration / ..... / Add New: ... for all configuration pages.
- Added /config.static.aspx|jsp Page.parselooplimit experimental special configuration option for eventual stack size errors.
- Various
- Added support for international and special character special codes.
- Added @@@paged:NAME@@@ special codes (also existing @@@paged:NAME:FORMAT@@@ special codes).
- Added @@@paged:NAME:limit=NUMBER@@@ and @@@paged:NAME:FORMAT:limit=NUMBER@@@ special codes to only list fx. "Page 3 4 5 6 7" instead of "Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
- Added @@@listed:NAME@@@ (/###) and @@@listed:NAME:TEXT@@@ (TEXT###) special codes.
- Added @@@segment:NAME=VALUE@@@ and @@@segment:NAME=+VALUE@@@ and @@@segment:NAME=-VALUE@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@usertest:NAME=VALUE@@@ (tag value to be used if relevant) and @@@usertest:NAME=!VALUE@@@ (tag value as used now) special codes.
- Added @@@cookie:NAME=VALUE:path=PATH:domain=DOMAIN:expires=DATETIME:secure=[1|true|yes]@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@now:day±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ @@@now:month±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ @@@now:year±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@created:day±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ @@@created:month±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ @@@created:year±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@updated:day±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ @@@updated:month±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ @@@updated:year±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@published:day±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ @@@published:month±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ @@@published:year±NUMBER:format=FORMAT@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@user_birthdate@@@, @@@user_birthyear@@@, @@@user_birthmonth@@@, @@@user_birthday@@@, @@@user_gender@@@, @@@user_title@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@user_segments@@@, @@@user_tests@@@, @@@user_teststags@@@ special codes.
- Added @@@list:...:columns=NUMBER,NUMBER,NUMBER:...@@@ special codes for alternating number of table cells per row.
- Added @@@list:...:class=CLASS,CLASS,CLASS:...@@@ special codes for alternating class names for listed table cells.
- Added @@@list:...:entry=ID,ID,ID:...@@@ special codes for alternating entries used to display each listed content item.
- Added experimental /webadmin/extensions/*.jsp request.getAttribute("_DB_") for existing db connection - important: do not close (JSP).
- Various other improvements.
6th April 2015Asbru Web Content Management v9.1.7 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.1.7 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added redirection restrictions handling for HTML FORM validation URLs.
- Added redirection restrictions handling for login URLs.
- Added support for use with "X-Content-Type-Options=nosniff" web browser settings.
- Fixed Browse & Edit mode editing of website pages without templates.
- Fixed unclosed database connections for Browse & Edit mode.
- Improved, extended content item status display.
- Improved content administration index pages column sorting.
- Improved content administration index pages handling of select/deselect all.
- Improved content administration pages content categories group/type selection.
- Added HTML tag attributes for content item preview.
- Improved content group/type selection options for advanced search.
- Fixed simultaneous archiving and scheduling issue.
- Fixed deletion of archived content items.
- Fixed unpublishing of scheduled content.
- Improved image/file MIME type detection.
- Improved image/file upload web browser client-side handling.
- Improved image/file upload handling for new, updated, unpublished content items.
- Improved handling of empty content item folders (PHP).
- Fixed image/file upload folder creation issue (.NET).
- Improved scheduled content publishing and expiration.
- Impoved handling of scheduled user activation, notification and expiration.
- Fixed scheduled (re)publishing of unpublished content items.
- Fixed scheduled (re)publishing of already published content items.
- Added detection and handling of scheduled publishing and expiration overruns.
- Added "use_scheduled_loop" "no" special configuration setting to disable detection of scheduled publishing and expiration overruns.
- Added "use_scheduled" "external" special configuration setting for externally triggered only scheduling.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.1.6:
- Added support for Apple iOS 8.
- Various other improvements.
6th February 2015Asbru Web Content Management v9.1.6 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.1.6 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved login handling of posted forms.
- Improved character encoding handling (JSP).
- Fixed administration index content group/type options for mixed content classes (MSIE 8).
- Fixed handling of device, user segment and user test variants of content items.
- Fixed select/unselect all content items.
- Fixed preview of archived content items.
- Fixed administration handling of title and meta information special characters.
- Fixed handling of additional content items (PostgreSQL).
- Improved handling of filenames for archived content items.
- Fixed image/file upload file name extension handling.
- Fixed handling of uploaded images and files.
- Fixed handling of content dependencies update.
- Fixed database import/upgrade handling of Customer Experience Add-On license (PHP).
- Improved database import/upgrade handling of content item filenames and orders (PHP).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.1.6:
- Fixed find (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed toggling of strikethrough (Chrome/Safari).
- Improved selection handling (MSIE 11).
10th November 2014Asbru Web Content Management v9.1.5 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.1.5 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added handling of parameter special codes in email notifications.
- Fixed @@@cookie:NAME=VALUE@@@ issue.
- Fixed handling of duplicate custom extentions on same web page.
- Fixed breadcrumbs custom extension output.
- Fixed PostgreSQL database initialisation and upgrade.
- Fixed Microsoft SQL Server database initialisation for cloud deployment.
- Fixed handling of Website Settings configuration.
- Fixed handling of Media Library Content Delivery configuration.
- Fixed Browse & Edit mode inline editing save.
- Fixed publishing of multiple content items.
- Fixed ranking of user segments (JSP/NET).
- Fixed file upload issue (MSIE).
- Fixed administration index mouse-wheel scrolling (MSIE 11).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.1.5:
- Added Safari iOS 8 support.
- Fixed handling of OBJECT/EMBED tags.
- Improved handling of linebreaks (Chrome/Safari).
12th September 2014Asbru Web Content Management v9.1.4 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.1.4 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Fixed HTML FORM post file upload issue.
- Fixed administrator/user groups/types handling issue.
- Fixed handling of empty administration pages left-hand sub-menus.
- Fixed scheduled publishing changed filename handling.
- Fixed "find on page" tab display issue.
- Fixed Oracle database issue (Oracle).
- Fixed deprecated programming language functionality file upload issue (PHP).
22nd August 2014Asbru Web Content Management v9.1.3 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.1.3 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added support for @@@DATABASENAME.ATTRIBUTENAME@@@ and @@@DATABASENAME.ATTRIBUTENAME.FORMAT@@@ special codes for content databases data.
- Added deletion of old content databases database tables from previous installation/configuration (if any).
- Added conversion of .aspx/.jsp/.php links in content during database upgrade.
- Improved performance.
- Fixed content administration special characters URL issue.
- Fixed tab content resizing for multi-file uploads.
- Fixed "find on page" tab display issue.
- Fixed user database administration listing of blank user accounts issue.
- Fixed content databases administration attribute display issue.
- Fixed content databases administration attribute display. (.NET)
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.1.3:
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink and Insert Media and Select Content backslash issue.
- Fixed Insert Media apostrophe issue.
- Fixed filename selector issue (MSIE).
- Fixed Preview issue.
7th July 2014Asbru Web Content Management v9.1.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.1.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added deactivation of tabs until administration pages are loaded.
- Fixed "_" issue for special codes content element/class names.
- Fixed QuickStart Configuration forms/tabs display issue (MSIE).
- Fixed "tab" between input fields issue (MSIE).
- Fixed user database administration issue (IBM DB2).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.1.2:
- Fixed delete table column issue.
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink preview issue.
- Fixed Insert Media replacement issue (Chrome/Safari).
23th June 2014Asbru Web Content Management v9.1.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.1.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved Browse & Edit mode web content editor handling of small windows.
- Improved website content administation display of wide pages and in narrow windows.
- Improved tabs handling of web browser window resizing.
- Fixed tabs content indentation issue (MSIE).
- Fixed drag and drop file upload tabs handling issue (Safari).
- Fixed "tab" between input fields issue.
- Fixed "calendar" extension issue.
- Fixed "unschedule" workflow action issue.
- Fixed "list all" display of content databases data issue.
- Added user database administrator preferences for hiding hosts and devices usage statistics menus (User Database / ..... / Administrator Preferences / Hide Administration Sections And Menus / Usage / Who / Hosts + Devices).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.1.1:
- Improved handling of "enter" key.
- Fixed Insert List Input issue.
- Fixed web content editor focus issue (MSIE).
2nd June 2014Asbru Web Content Management v9.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added Browse & Edit mode inline-editing of content (Browse & Edit / Edit / -all/inline-).
- Added Browse & Edit mode inline-editing web editor toolbar configuration (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Browse & Edit).
- Added drag & drop image and file upload (Media Library / Images + Files / Add New).
- Added image editing resize, rotate and crop functionality (Media Library / Images / ..... / Edit Image).
- Added Content Databases data view (single) and data view (multi) attribute types for joined data tables and/or columns (Configuration / Databases / ..... / Content / Type / Data View (Single) + Data View (Multi)).
- Added Content Databases search functionality (Content Databases / Content / ..... / Search For).
- Added
; and
@@@display:if:segment=NAME@@@ ..... @@@end:if:segment=NAME@@@
@@@display:if:segment!=NAME@@@ ..... @@@end:if:segment!=NAME@@@
; and
@@@display:if:segment=NAME1<NAME2@@@ ..... @@@end:if:segment=NAME1<NAME2@@@
@@@display:if:segment=NAME1>NAME2@@@ ..... @@@end:if:segment=NAME1>NAME2@@@
special codes.
- Added
; and
@@@display:if:usertest=NAME@@@ ..... @@@end:if:usertest=NAME@@@
@@@display:if:usertest!=NAME@@@ ..... @@@end:if:usertest!=NAME@@@
; and
@@@display:if:usertest=NAME=VALUE@@@ ..... @@@end:if:usertest=NAME=VALUE@@@
@@@display:if:usertest=NAME!=VALUE@@@ ..... @@@end:if:usertest=NAME!=VALUE@@@
special codes.
- Added rounded, sliding tabs.
- Added automatic display of closed top and left-hand panels on mouse over.
- Fixed sales reports amounts issue (Products & Orders / Sales / .....).
- Added jQuery v1.11.1.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.1:
- Added support for inline-editing of content.
- Improved toolbar menu options handling.
- Improved windows size handling.
- Improved DOM Inspector tag handling (MSIE).
- Improved table/row/column/cell properties handling (MSIE).
- Improved indent handling of content (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed superscript/subscript issue (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed link handling issue (Chrome/Safari).
14th March 2014Asbru Web Content Management v9.0 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v9.0 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Cloud Deployment and Media Storage
Easy deployment of the Asbru Web Content Management software on a web server cluster with automatic media storage synchronisation through cloud storage services (currently supports the Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 cloud storage service; more cloud storage services to be added soon - also, simple custom media storage API for deployment to your own or any third-party cloud storage service).
Easy, 30 minutes or less, deployment of the Asbru Web Content Management software on on-demand scalable web server cluster and database server and storage through cloud services (currently supports the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Beanstalk cloud service; more cloud services to be added soon - also, simple custom cloud deployment API for deployment to your own or any third-party cloud deployment service).
- Mobile Optimised Websites and Applications
Easy creation of mobile phone and tablet devices specific website content variants with mobile phone and tablet devices simulators for preview of your website content on mobile devices; and automatic detection of website visitors' mobile phone and tablet devices and delivery of device specific website content.
HTML5 web content editor for advanced desktop and mobile websites and applications with support for offline websites and applications.
Easy to use, advaced business website example/template including mobile phone website version and offline website section.
- Experience Management Add-On Module
Website visitor segmentation and personalisation of website content with real-time, dynamic website visitor profiling/scoring and segmentation depending on the accessed website content, and detailed usage statistics and sales reports for user segments.
Easy conduct of user tests of website content variants with statistical user tests results analysis, and detailed usage statistics and sales reports for user tests variants.
Website content heatmaps for detailed analysis of how website visitors view and use your website pages.
- Added support for cloud deployment to Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Beanstalk.
- Added custom cloud deployment programming API for use of your own or any third-party
- Added cookie tracking of website visitors for usage statistics and experience management.
- Added faster and smaller sequential multi-pass handling of special codes.
- Added /manifest.jsp|jsp|php content delivery program script for offline website content and applications.
- Improved modal dialogue windows instead of pop-up windows.
- Added support for status icon, device, user segment, user test variant, web view, heatmap index pages columns (Website Content / Index).
- Added configurable search pages columns (Website Content / Search + Advanced Search + Search and Replace).
- Added mobile phone and tablet device simulator previews of content (Website Content / ..... / Preview).
- Added HTML4, HTML5, XHTML and XML content format options for content (Website Content / ..... / Primary Content / Content Format / HTML4 + HTML5 + XHTML + XML).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v9.0
- Added HTML5 support. - Added support for "html4" and "html5" formats (default "html" format is "html5"). - Added Format Block main, section, article, header, footer, nav, aside, figure, figcaption, details, summary format tags. - Added Insert Form email, search, tel, url, number, range, datetime, datetimelocal, month, week, date, color, list, datalist, keygen, output input tags. - Added Insert Form required, novalidate, autocomplete, placeholder, pattern, multiple, oninput, oninvalid input tags attributes. - Added "formmenu4" "formmenu5" toolbar buttons for separated HTML4 and HTML5 Insert Form input tags (default "formmenu" includes all input tags). - Added Insert Media file groups and types and output of HTML5 audio and video tags. - Added Text Formatting mark tags. - Added canvas tags. - Added Safari iOS 7 support. - Added Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 support.
- Added "@@@list:.....:header=ID:.....@@@", "@@@list:.....:footer=ID:.....@@@", "@@@list:.....:header=XXXXX,YYYYY,ZZZZZ:.....@@@" and "@@@list:.....:footer=XXXXX,YYYYY,ZZZZZ:.....@@@" special codes for table header and footer columns.
- Added dynamic user scoring and segmentation for accessed content (Website Content / ..... / Meta Information / User Segmentation).
- Added HTML tag attributes (Website Content / ..... / Advanced Scripting / HTML Attributes).
- Added language, device, user segment and user test variant multi-layered content versions (Website Content / ..... / Content Version / Language + Device + User Segment + User Test Variant).
- Added sales report for devices (Products & Orders / Sales / Who / Devices).
- Added sales reports user segment and user test variant details (Products & Orders / Sales / Websites/Domains + Products + Product Groups + Product Types + Countries).
- Added configurable content databases administration pages columns (Content Databases / Content / ..... / Index).
- Added Experience Management Add-On module (Experience Management).
- Added user segments configuration and content administration (Experience Management / Segments).
- Added user tests configuration and content administration (Experience Management / User Tests).
- Added heatmaps configuration and reports (Experience Management / Heatmaps).
- Added user database title, gender, birthdate, HTML format, user segments, user tests and heatmaps attributes (User Database / ..... / User Details + Administrator Preferences).
- Added separated hosts and visitors data (Usage Statistics).
- Added usage statistics user segments and user test variants details (Usage Statistics).
- Added hosts and host details usage statistics (Usage Statistics / Who / Hosts).
- Added devices usage statistics (Usage Statistics / Who / Devices).
- Added user segments usage statistics (Usage Statistics / Who / Users / Segments).
- Added user test variants usage statistics (Usage Statistics / Who / Users / Tests).
- Deprecated support for Microsoft Access databases (Configuration / System / Database / Database Connection / Microsoft Access).
- Improved database initialisation and import handling of connection timeout with background progress reporting (Configuration / System / Database / Initialise & Import).
- Improved, faster database import (Configuration / System / Database / Initialise & Import).
- Added experience management add-on license configuration (Configuration / System / License / Add-On Modules / Experience).
- Added redirected or hidden/proxied media library content delivery options (Configuration / System / Website / Special Settings / Media Library Content Delivery)
- Added support for media storage on cloud storage (Configuration / System / Website / Media Storage).
- Added support for summarisation of old usage log data for reduced storage and processing requirements (Configuration / System / Usage Statistics).
- Added order administration, experience management and usage statistics access restrictions (Configuration / Features / Access Restrictions / Order Administration Access Restrictions + Experience Management Access Restrictions + Usage Statistics Access Restrictions).
- Added HTML4 and HTML5 web content editor HTML format options (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Asbru Web Editor / HTML Format: Default (web browser generated HTML) ~ HTML ~ HTML4 ~ HTML5 ~ XHTML).
- Added search, advanced search and search and replace index pages columns configuration (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Index Pages Columns / Search + Advanced Search + Search and Replace).
- Added experience management index pages columns configuration (Configuration / Features / Content Editing / Index Pages / Experience Management Segments + Experience Management User Tests + Experience Management Heatmaps).
- Added option to not create placeholder files for content published to static web addresses (required for cloud storage) (Configuration / Features / Publishing / Enable use of static web addresses for published pages / Do not create files for static web addresses (required for cloud storage)).
- Added user database title, gender, birthdate, user segments, user tests and heatmaps directory server attributes (Configuration / Features / User Database / Directory Server / User Details / Title + Gender + Birthdate + Administrator Preferences).
- Added configuration of user segments (Configuration / Users / Segments).
- Added configuration of user tests (Configuration / Users / Tests).
- Added configurable content databases administration index pages columns (Configuration / Databases / ..... / Special Pages / Index Pages Columns).
- Added moduleExperienceIntroTitle + moduleExperienceIntroText + moduleExperienceMenuTitle + moduleExperienceMenuLink configuration settings.
Important: Please note that you may need to add (dummy) settings for these to your own custom modules.
- Various other improvements.
10th March 2014Asbru Web Content Management v8.2.3 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v8.2.3 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved web content editor handling of style sheets (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Improved web content editor range/selection handling of BR tags (Firefox).
- Improved content selector handling of access restrictions (NET/JSP).
- Added template handling of additional content elements (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed template issue for non-page/product content (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed additional content elements issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed add new blank content elements issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Improved meta information handling for content previews (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Improved @@@random:.....@@@ special code handling for content previews (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed content creation issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed content update handling of checkout issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed cross-platform link handling issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed handling of style sheets for export of content to static files issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed cross-platform folder handling issue (JSP).
- Improved content databases administration text input (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed web content editor textarea input mode issue (PHP).
- Fixed content databases file handling (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed @@@include:database=XXXXX:.....@@@ looping special codes issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed left-hand menu issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Improved handling of left-hand menu special characters (NET/JSP).
- Fixed search and replace issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Fixed date/time handling issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Improved number formatting (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Improved database number handling (JSP).
- Fixed micro-website web browser language preference handling issue (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Improved handling of very long website visitor domain names (NET/JSP/PHP).
- Various other improvements.
2nd September 2013Asbru Web Content Management v8.2.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v8.2.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added support for "@@@list:.....:order by metainfo_NAME,metainfo_NAME, metainfo_NAME:.....@@@" special code ordering by multiple metainfo attributes.
- Improved handling of hierarchically organised static filenames.
- Improved links validation handling mailto and javascript and relative links.
- Improved handling of "value=###NAME###" and "value=@@@NAME@@@" in text format content items.
- Improved cross-platform handling of folder/file separators (JSP).
- Improved preview of content item versions (.NET/JSP).
- Improved handling of scheduled publishing of content items.
- Improved handling of web server basic authentication.
- Fixed content creation id issue.
- Fixed count SQL query issue.
- Fixed paged content items count issue.
- Fixed "metainfo_XXXXX=" (blank) list special code issue.
- Fixed access permission issue for website administrators only with publish permissions.
- Fixed scheduled publishing and expiration issue.
- Fixed workflow status and assign to Javascript issue.
- Fixed web content management administration single menu item selection issues (PHP).
- Fixed handling of static filename on update issue.
- Added workaround for MySQL website administration performance issue with large numbers of website administrators.
- Added "search_section_all" special configuration setting to not list all content items for blank searches.
- Added "Data.csv_options" special configuration option for custom content database values separated by commas.
- Improved handling of special characters in configuration files (.NET).
- Fixed listing of expired user database accounts.
- Fixed personal page administration issue.
- Fixed Business Website example style sheet issue.
- Fixed web content management administration configuration section Javascript issue.
- Fixed TEXTAREA and WebEditorAPI example webeditor module issue.
- Fixed Asbru webeditor module issue (PHP).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.18:
- Improved Insert Hyperlink and Insert Media handling of access restricted content items (.NET/JSP).
- Improved handling of bold, italic, superscript and subscript (Safari/Chrome).
- Improved handling of indentation (Safari/Chrome/MSIE).
- Various other improvements.
3rd May 2013Asbru Web Content Management v8.2.1 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v8.2.1 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added Browse & Edit mode support for web content editor custom modules.
- Added automatic use of Asbru web content editor XHTML output format for content items with XHTML DOCTYPE.
- Added error handling for configuration of duplicate content, image, file, link, product, user and hosting client groups and types.
- Added CAPTHA Text configuration setting (Configuration / System / Website / Email & Forms / Forms CAPTCHA Confirmation).
- Added support for @@@captcha:contact@@@, @@@captcha:post@@@, @@@captcha:shopcart@@@, @@@captcha:register@@@ special codes.
- Fixed integrated administration page workflow action options for administrators with only view and publish permissions.
- Improved handling of multiple orders during same session.
- Improved database upgrade handling of invalid hosting client databases (Hosting Edition).
- Added workaround for Mozilla Firefox 20 error in handling CDATA (Mozilla Firefox).
- Fixed Microsoft Internet Explorer 8/9 Personal Workspace and Website Content administration errors (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.17:
- Improved web content editor context menu alignment.
- Added workaround for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 Javascript engine error (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Added workaround for Apple Safari and Google Chrome IFRAME style sheet reloading error (Apple Safari) (Google Chrome).
- Various other improvements.
30th March 2013Asbru Web Content Management v8.2 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v8.2 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved shopping cart and checkout handling of out of stock products.
- Added Personal Workspace index columns configuration setting.
- Improved Personal Workspace handling of large amounts of content items.
- Improved Website Structure administration section handling of large amounts of content items with fewer (only explicitly selected) top pages, and no sub-pages checking for orphan pages.
- Improved Website Structure left-hand menus with Micro-Websites sub-folder menu for micro-websites.
- Added HTML DOCTYPE attribute for pages, products, templates, content groups, content types, product groups, product types, micro-websites.
- Added support for multiple additional content elements for each content class.
- Improved content dependencies detection/tracking performance.
- Improved handling of disabled user groups/types categories.
- Added Custom Extension Program attribute for workflow actions.
- Added custom payment module programming API template (/webadmin/module/Payment Module Template/).
- Added custom web content editor module programming API and template (/webadmin/webeditors/).
- Added custom workflow action programming API and template and test example (/webadmin/workflowaction/).
- Improved database backup/export file contents compression and ordering.
- Improved Business Website example.
- Various other improvements.
18th March 2013Asbru Web Content Management v8.1.6 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v8.1.6 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved conditional special codes handling of other special codes.
- Improved shopping cart checkout handling of products sold out during the checkout steps.
- Fixed PayPal payment module issue (PHP).
- Fixed blog module handling of scheduled content.
- Fixed Browse & Edit mode preview of scheduled content items issue.
- Fixed display of new, unpublished images in web content editor.
- Fixed duplicated preview display of title prefix and suffix issue.
- Fixed order administration workflow notification email issue.
- Fixed custom content databases handling of checkbox, radio and select-box "," values.
- Fixed custom content databases multi-value select-box issue (PHP).
- Improved cache handling for content, file, image, link, product groups and types.
- Improved Business Website example website.
- Various other improvements.
11th February 2013Asbru Web Content Management v8.1.5 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v8.1.5 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added Micro-Websites left-hand sub-folder for Website Structure micro-websites menu items.
- Added parsing of special codes in content validation from index administration pages.
- Added parsing of special codes in title, HTML HEAD code and HTML BODY attributes in previews of content items.
- Improved handling of refreshed order completion shopping cart page.
- Improved Blog module handling of incorrect content items (Community Add-On).
- Improved user registration handling of redirection.
- Improved special codes handling of "@" characters in usernames.
- Improved handling of special codes in confirmation and notification emails subjects.
- Improved periodic scheduled publishing of large numbers of content items.
- Improved left-hand menu handling of "&" characters in content bundle, group and type names.
- Improved user interface display for smaller screen resolutions and web browser windows (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Fixed handling of content databases numeric attributes.
- Fixed access permissions for adding new blank page and image/file content items.
- Fixed handling of workflow permissions and "Save" option.
- Fixed order id and order items handling.
- Fixed order special codes handling (PHP).
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.16:
- Added support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.
- Various other improvements.
17th December 2012Asbru Web Content Management v8.1.4 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v8.1.4 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Added @@@list:database=XXXXX:.....:order=XXX,XXX,XXX@@@ special code parameter support for ordering by multiple attribute names.
- Added e-commerce products import/export of weight, width, height, depth, volume, custom product details, out of stock back/pre-ordering, author, description, keywords, custom meta information data.
- Added special "webadmin_workspace_workflow_noactions" configuration option to hide view-only workflow items on Personal Workspace.
- Added user database configuration options to enable both web content management system user database and LDAP user directory server for workflow email notifications functionality.
- Added additional default memory caching of data (.NET/JSP).
- Improved database queries and special codes handling performance.
- Improved batch scheduled publishing with "scheduled_next" functionality disabled.
- Improved workflow actions display with new workflow state.
- Improved handling of CSS font-sizes (Mozilla Firefox).
- Improved handling of HTML BODY onload data (PHP).
- Improved PHP v5.4 support (PHP).
- Fixed workflow action error (.NET/JSP).
- Fixed display of additional content elements titles (PHP).
- Fixed business example website order status tracking page template.
- Fixed display and handling of product ids and titles for discounts configuration.
- Various other improvements.
12nd November 2012Asbru Web Content Management v8.1.3 releasedThe Asbru Web Content Management system v8.1.3 for .NET, PHP and JSP/Java has been released. This version adds:
- Improved shopping cart handling of default state and country.
- Fixed shopping cart handling of last remaining stock item.
- Fixed display of default pages for non-existing, unpublished and expired website pages.
- Improved Community - Blog Add-On administration pages handling of international special characters.
- Added support for adding multiple products to shopping cart with single link (/shopcart.xxx?add=ID1&add=ID2&add=ID3&ID1=AMOUNT1&ID2=AMOUNT2&ID3=AMOUNT3).
- Added support for removing multiple products from shopping cart with single link (/shopcart.xxx?drop=ID1&drop=ID2&drop=ID3).
- Improved handling of comma separated author, description and keywords values for @@@list:.....@@@ special codes.
- Improved handling of wildcards in @@@list:.....@@@ special codes.
- Improved "print/report" to include unpublished content items.
- Fixed website administration index pages mouse wheel scrolling of listed items.
- Added integrated administration page "unpublish" and "delete" functionality for website administrators with publish but no update access permissions.
- Added use of website administrator email addresses from LDAP directory for workflow notifications.
- Fixed media library administration pages display of website structure left-hand menu items.
- Fixed e-commerce administration pages display of packages left-hand menu items.
- Fixed e-commerce order administration handling of "status by" data.
- Improved e-commerce order administration handling of workflow "assign to" functionality.
- Improved database upgrade for PostgreSQL databases (PostgreSQL).
- Fixed database upgrade handling of e-commerce stock amounts (PostgreSQL).
- Fixed list count/limit program error (PHP).
- Added jQuery v1.8.2 and jQuery UI v1.9.1 and jQuery Layout v1.3.0rc30.74.
- Added Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.15:
- Added Insert Frame Title attribute.
- Fixed Insert Media onMouseOver and onMouseOut attributes handling.
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink and Insert Media access to all content items for superadmin website administrator.
- Fixed "webeditor.cssFontSize" special configuration setting handling of font-size attribute values.
- Fixed "webeditor.encodeUnknowCharCodes" special configuration setting handling of preview of international special characters.
- Added workaround for Justify errors/limitations in recent web browser versions (Mozilla).
- Various other improvements.
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